Cancer in the family

The family Rakov valued for their ability to take care of, to surround all the attention and affection. They are good psychologists, and are able to listen and support each family member. Cancers are rather sensitive and receptive, so the problems and difficulties partner or child will be perceived by them as their personal pain and experiences. They can not get past this and will make every effort to help mentally, and if it is within their competence, the actions and. Crawfish & nbsp; - A good family man. They are economical, know the value of every penny they earn, and prefer to think about tomorrow. They are unlikely to spend all the money on entertainment or an expensive pair of shoes. Cancers tend to ensure that some of the money set aside for a book or doing stash secret from other family members. They do not like to lend money and find all sorts of excuses or pretexts not to do so. Material well-being of the family is more important than helping to solve other people's problems. For them, it is very important that they lie in the fridge and eats their family. They are wonderful cooks and very economic. Cancers love to fill your home library with new recipes. They aspire to a variety of cuisine, but if after the release of the table did not notice their culinary skills or did not say thank you, they may harbor a grudge for a long time and then recall it at any convenient point, accused of callousness his family. Therefore, it is important for them to partner and children spoke words of thanks addressed to them and their often praised by this Crayfish are cheerful and gentle, able to continue to work for the family. The house is in cancer is always clean, cozy and comfortable. They love sometimes rearrange furniture in the apartment, change accessories in the house, but the most important place for them in the house & ndash; this kitchen. Therefore, there is always a TV, tape, various appliances and beautiful tableware, since most of the time they relax and socialize with my family right there. When discussing family problems Cancers important to them were, and listen to what they say. They can not stand criticism and harsh statements in his address. Any rude word may offend them and hurt. As for the children, Crayfish - is the best parents that lifelong protect children and care for them
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