Characteristics of Sagittarius

Sagittarius - the most open-minded, optimistic and cheerful sign of the zodiac. He has a lot of different interests that it satisfies, travel real or imaginary worlds. Despite the apparent dispersion, it is perfectly able to generalize the various facts, philosophical look at life. His talent is most clearly revealed when he can someone teach, instruct on the right path. Mythologically Sagittarius - this is a classic image of a mentor. Its ruler, Jupiter, Sagittarius gives luck and interest in science. The most important decisions in their lives they take while in high spirits following a particular purpose. Generally, the word for Sagittarius & laquo; the purpose of life & raquo; not an empty phrase. As a rule, even in his youth they choose the main direction of development and follow him, discovering along the way a lot of interesting and unusual. From Sagittarius make great teachers and researchers can nominate a bold theory to explain the existing order of things. All its wealth Sagittarius generously shared with others, for which enjoys their respect and love. Sagittarians are open, sometimes straightforwardly express their thoughts, opinions, so & nbsp; as above all appreciate justice. Sagittarians feel confident when fighting for a just cause. They act impulsively, but thanks to the pressure and excellent sense of humor, can persuade the enemy to their cause. They prefer to solve all the issues of the world, but if the output is not, will battle it out in the open. In his personal life is often the lucky people. Although they can not stay in one place (a rare Sagittarius is a homebody), they are soul mates in different parts of the world. Thanks to the generosity and spontaneity in a relationship, they quickly grow roots in a new place, gathering friends. The family usually listen to their opinion (even if it sounds from another country) and often quietly perceive long absence. After returning, Sagittarius sure to please your favorite gifts and interesting stories
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