Mascots Aries

Aries considered talismans diamond (diamond) and ruby. Diamond - the most expensive and beautiful precious stone. It is a symbol of innocence, firmness and courage, victory over pain and illness. Diamond tames the fury and lust, gives confidence and strength. This stone attributed miraculous features and extraordinary strength. He brings good luck in all things, protects from diseases and wounds, gives courage and bravery in battle, protects against the evil eye and evil spells, provides health, prosperity and long life. If the hand of a woman a diamond, it is easily resolved during childbirth. He who wears a diamond can not be afraid of lightning strikes - his eyes are protected from injury, drives and dreams and bad dreams. As a talisman jewel worn on the left arm or neck, but the frame should not prevent stone touch the skin - then it enhances its effect. The stone has a favorable effect in the event that it is presented or he finds an old, t. he came to the holder of an honest way. Otherwise, it brings great misfortune. Rubin - beautiful red stone with a purple sheen, symbolizing the ardent and passionate love. Brings happiness in love; one who wants to achieve reciprocity - should give ruby-colored flame his handpicked. Wear a ruby ​​in a limbo - it means to be great among people worthy of respect. Rubin makes a good person even kinder, evil turns into a real villain, and a noble and courageous person wearing this stone to be winning and perform feats. Stores by lightning and floods of poisons. Rubin attributed properties to stop bleeding from wounds and save epilepsy, clean the air, contaminated with germs of epidemic diseases, drive away evil spirits. Ruby tends to darken - means the owner threatened
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