Sagittarius in the family

In my family Sagittarians tend to play a leading role. For family members, they seem like people progressive views, able to give wise counsel to raise the mood and vitality in any situation. Sagittarians are optimistic by nature and people moving. They love to invite guests into your home, have fun and entertain all. They did not stint on the fact to cover a stunning table. And the bulk of the dishes will be ordered in any restaurant. Sagittarians tend to constantly think of something. For them is not enough just to sit at the table and drinking: they want someone to play on the phone, make any concert program, which will involve all family members and guests. Sagittarians do not like to spend much time in the kitchen and do household chores. They are better allocate responsibilities among family members. For them, much nicer instead of dinner to go home with his family in any restaurant to anyone visiting or café. Sagittarians love to pamper family gifts, and this will be expensive and branded stuff, not some consumer goods. Sagittarians tend to find high-paying job, and usually they get it, so they can afford such grand gestures for which their family forgives many drawbacks. Sagittarians can lend money, but they do so with great reluctance, and in rare cases when it can not get away. They believe that everyone should be able to provide for themselves and everything you need to rely only on themselves. Sagittarians love to constantly change something in his apartment & ndash; move furniture, interior update, make repairs and buy unusual things. Very often, their house is filled with a variety of souvenirs from different countries who bring their friends or themselves. The right choice and the last word in solving family problems family members always reserve the musketeers, as they rely on their vast experience and wisdom. For children Sagittarians prefer to educate together with a partner, and the main responsibilities of blaming him or parents. Because they believe that making money for the family is the most important. Because, if the money is not, then the child will be deprived of many
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