Dream » A » At times

The interpretation of the dream «At times»


It has a dual meaning, and carrying the solar and lunar symbolism, personification of both good and evil. As a solar symbol of the lion represents the glow, shine and strength of the midday sun, the principle of fire, grandeur, strength and courage, fortitude, justice, law, military power, the King of the Beasts. On the other hand, the lion symbolizes cruelty, savagery, animal life. He - a symbol of war and is an attribute of the gods of war. Personifying the lunar principle, lioness by the Great Mother, or harnessed to her chariot. Symbolizing the maternal instinct, lioness is often depicted with the virgin goddess of war. Goddess of Crete, Mycenae, Phrygia, Thrace, Syria, Lycia and Sparta had on his arms lioness. She appears in the pictures next to a winged Artemis, Cybele, Fortuna and the Gorgon, and in India and Tibet - as an attribute of Tara and symbol of the earth and motherhood. Lion and unicorn symbolize the competing solar-lunar, feminine-masculine strength. Lion killing a boar, by means of the sun, killing the boar Winters. Devouring each other lion and the dragon symbolizes the union, which kept the identity of the two allies. Lion and the lamb symbolize the new-found paradise, the original unity, "; The Golden Age "; And the end of the world and of all conflicts. Solar hero who kills a lion - is the god of the sun, scorching heat is tempered by the midday sun. We Makrobiusa said that the lions symbolize the Earth "; Mother of the Gods "; A pair of lions means "; double strong "; ruler and guardian of doors, gates and treasure, or the Tree of Life. Often they keep the images a solar symbol and embody the vigilance and courage. The winged lion or griffin can impersonate the androgyne or union of two elements. Green lion - a symbol of the young god of grain before it ripens to golden grain. The lion's head, serving as a fountain symbolizes the daytime sun, the gift of the water erupting on Earth. Throne, standing on lions, is tamed by forces of the cosmos. In alchemy, the red lion symbolizes the male principle of sulfur, and the unicorn - female mercury. Green Lion marks the beginning of an alchemist transmutes all the elixir. The two lions represent the element Mercury, philosophical mercury, nous. In Buddhism, the lion - the defender of the law, the wisdom of the Buddha, the spiritual fervor advance and comprehension, courage, enlightened man, the lord himself. Sometimes the Buddha depicted on a throne, standing on lions. Lioness is an attribute of Tara. Ratnasambhava riding a lion. Little Lion depicts Bodhisattva, just past the initiation. Leo, depicted with lion cub under its paw, also represents the Buddha, the reigning world and compassion. Buddha represents the lion's roar, fearlessly preaching the Dharma. In China, the lion is the courage, energy, strength. Lion with a ball - either the sun, or the Cosmic Egg, or dualism in nature. A man who is married, represent the lion, signifying strength, and the horse - a symbol of speed; woman - flowers. In Christianity, the symbolism of the lion is ambivalent: on the one hand, it means strength and power of Christ, his start as a royal king of the Jews, and on the other - the ability of Christ to save Christians from the mouth "; lion roaring "; That is, the devil. It was believed that the lion sleeps with his eyes open, and therefore symbolizes vigilance, alertness and spiritual fortress. Leo, like clockwork, supports the foundations of the church. In addition, there was a belief that the cubs are born dead, and the life breathed into them a parent, so the lion is a symbol of resurrection. Being a lone animal, a lion is a hermit and loneliness. Lion - the emblem of St. Mark, as his Gospel emphasizes the royal nature and the greatness of Christ. He is also the emblem of Saint Adrian, Euphemia, Jerome, Mary of Egypt, St. Paul the Hermit, Prisca, Thecla. In the catacomb images the story of Daniel in the den of lions symbolizes the salvation of the Lord of his subjects. In Egyptian art lion symbolizes protection and guard; is a solar when depicted with the solar disk, and the moon, when the moon is adjacent to the horned. Lion with two heads, located in different parts of the body represents the sun gods of dawn and dusk. Two lions placed back to back and illustrated together with the solar disk, represent the past and the present, the past and present. Lioness is an attribute Sekmet and mother-goddess, symbolizing motherhood. But like Sekmet, it can also mean wages. Pictured along with the solar disk lion is the sun-god Ra, Al Moon - Judge Dead Osiris. Tefnut has the head of a lion. In Greek mythology, the lion accompanies Phoebe, Artemis, Cybele, Tihe, Gorgon and, at times, Dionysus. Lions are harnessed to the chariot of Cybele and Juno. The lion's pelt - the attribute of Hercules, the solar hero who fought with the lion acting in this case as a symbol of death and overcame death. The Jews lion - a symbol of power and violence. The winged lion - a sign of the South, the Lion of Judah. In Hinduism, the lion symbolizes the fourth avatar of Vishnu, who is sometimes depicted poluchelovekom-polulvom; Agni lion. Leo, depicted with a lioness symbolizes Shakti Shakti, where the lion - is the Supreme Lord, the rhythm, and the lion - the power of words to express. The lion is the guardian of the North and the attribute of the goddess Durga Devi and destroyer of demons and. The Iranians it is a symbol of royalty, power and light of the sun. In Islam, the lion gives protection from evil. The Japanese lion - is the King of the Beasts and appears on images with peony - a symbol of the Queen of Flowers. Lion ball is empty. In Mithraism lion - a solar symbol for the fourth level of initiation. Kronos, pictured with a lion's head - it Zones time; fate, devouring all; symbol of the sun, symbolizing fire. Leo, along with the bull symbolize death; lion and deer - the time of death. The Romans left - this solar light, regal; attribute of Apollo, Hercules and Fortune; devouring power of death, but also the victory of man over it. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the lion-fire of the Sun, the supreme power, strength, courage; attribute of the sun-god Marduk. Ishtar, the goddess Inanna as the Great Mother accompany two lionesses. Lion with the branch or at the hands of the two-headed lion represent solar god of war Niniba. Chaldeans portrayed as a lion Nergal, the god of war and death, embodies the hostile aspect of the sun, devouring the summer heat. In addition, two lions' heads turned away from each other, representing the sun-god of the underworld and. Leo the Great Mother was accompanied by Atargatis. In Taoism hollow "; brocade ball "; or "; lion ball "; - Is emptiness, loss of mind.