Primary elements — wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Elements - wind, heat, humidity, dryness, cold. Emotions - anger, joy, peace, sadness, fear,. Organs - the liver, heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys. The Planets - Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury. Lethargy: the state of the yin-something passively lasts. The longest sleep physically lasts 2-3 minutes or a few seconds, but the intensity of the psychological perception so high that the front of the inner eye can occur in a dream a few years or centuries. Such a reality until the unthinkable intensity of perception (receiving information about the subject in a unit of time) is possible because the dream is not hindering the perception of factors: reflection - reflection (good / bad), analysis (comparison of events), and so on. Everything has been pre-comprehended, analyzed and reflected upon the subconscious according to clear, non-turbid daytime ability to perceive emotions, and therefore the speed of perception is truly cosmic, especially among those who coached her head on a regular basis: studying, pondering. Sleep - it is always a state of maximum internal self - self-promotion, as in a dream, and swept away all the external bias. In the dream, by the will of man is passive nature: it depends also on the situation - the story of sleep, and of his own desires, and therefore forced to relive things as it is, without distortion - as shown by. Passivity in the choice of subject of sleep causes to the active understanding - to a spiritual activity, which is always a positive. Duration perceive in a dream: to see the stretched within a dream set of events (for example, go through the old life from birth to the end of the morning-sleep). Sustain / survive a long time dream of events - it is a sign of inner strength and condition and habits of the truth. Not everyone can stand it, and wake up, adversely - it shows the weakness of will, loss of strength and the inability to solve the problems in the afternoon. The meaning of a long dream that in reality the negative memories and emotions are stored at the expense of their unwillingness to remember. With a planned recovery in the space of all sleep-related events with negative emotion, the emotion and the events are erased collectively - are deprived of internal exposure and become a memory of the fact that it no longer interferes with life. The ability to see and remember the past in a dream as if anew (unvarnished) - is reviewing the waking life position and change their present and future in a favorable direction. Specific and particularly thrilled events in the dream - and there's something to that, similar attention should be paid the day. Sleep is favorable: success, healing, building relationships, sudden burst of energy and strength.