Dream » E » Emotions

The interpretation of the dream «Emotions»

Emotions — dreamed emotions are a direct addition to the characters that these emotions are aroused.

Freud’s dream book

The unusually strongly express their emotions in a dream - you are counting on a certain person to carry out a plan, but at the last moment he'll let you down, and your relationship will give serious crack. If you want to save him earlier friendships, then be prepared for failure, but do not count this man afterwards. Restrain emotions - soon you will find yourself in a situation not quite normal when it is not able to openly express their feelings. Perhaps this is due to the fact that you and your partner want to make love in any public place where erotic moans and cries will cause an understandable reaction of others.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

The emotions that you notice at the people around you are a reflection of your own emotional state. If you all the time on the street are sad faces, so you experience the inner sadness (even if you do not admit it). If people around you are constantly angry, you are likely to have remained the anger from which you are not able to get rid of, though, you may feel balanced and calm. Conversely, if the people that you feel happy and secure, and your emotional state is not completely stable, you know that, most likely, in my heart you are happy and satisfied with life.


Our emotional requirement, particularly responsiveness to the more subtle energy of spirituality, allows us to begin the process of self-development. A 'lifting of the spirits' is indeed a change in consciousness and perhaps a reaching towards something beyond ourselves. Occasionally, in order to understand a dream, it is easier to ignore the symbolisms and concentrate on the moods, feelings and emotions that have surfaced. This will often give us a clearer interpretation of our state of mind, rather than confusing ourselves by trying to interpret myriad symbols. Within the framework of a dream our emotions can seem very different to those we have in everyday life. They may be more extreme, for instance, almost as though we have given ourselves freedom of expression, or we may be able to notice that there are strange swings of mood. Thus joy is extreme pleasure and despair a lack of hope. Negative emotions such as the latter are often easier to acknowledge within dreams rather than in real life. You might also wish to consult the entries for Anger, Hysterics and Weeping.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Emotions are considered as the main maintenance of the personal unconscious. Meanwhile they are not necessarily expressed directly as experiences, but can act in the form of patterns of a mimicry, a pose and gesture, indirectly indicating the emotional attitude towards the individual Drugikh. This perception usually is result of a projection of emotions of the individual. For example, at the endured depression he can see people around sad, and at own aggression - angry.


The unusually strongly express their emotions in a dream - you're counting on a certain person to carry out a plan, but at the last moment he'll let you down, and your relationship will give serious crack. If you want to save with him the old friendships, then be prepared for failure, but do not count on this man afterwards. pent-up emotions - soon you will find yourself in is not quite the usual situation where not able to openly express their feelings. Perhaps this is due to the fact that you and your partner will want to make love in any public place where erotic cries and moans cause an understandable reaction of others.