Dream » F » Flavor

Dream «Flavor»

Aroma - a reflection of the desire to embark on a journey, and / or need (the ability of). The reflection of the desire of flirting (the ability).

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Pleasant aroma of dreams to the protection and patronage; bad smell - a quarrel with a friend.

Hasse’s dream book

Pleasant smell — get protection.

Ancient French dream book

Delicate aromas dream to deception. Perfume your head - you are strongly hurt someone's arrogance. For a woman, this dream is a threat to her husband's infidelity. If you use perfume in a dream, or head hair by someone else, you are waiting for the friendship and respect. Bad smell that comes from the dream you said about someone's aversion to you for.

Esoteric Dream Book

Unknown origin - to bliss in bed with someone you love. Source seen - you have to do a bit of effort, initiative on the device of your personal matters.

Longo’s dream book

As the smell - it's invisible substance, by itself it can not appear in a dream. However, we can clearly feel it, and we have certain associations appear to him. An unpleasant odor reports that reality around you someone hard multiplies nasty rumors and gossip. The purpose of this - to discredit you in the eyes of the person whose opinion you care.

If the source of bad breath - are you in person, it means your involvement in something dirty, illegal, so your future life and career growth is under serious threat.

There is a pleasant scent - in front of the joy of the good news, entertainment. If the smell of sleep causes you some associations, which means that in reality you expect tremendous change, and they will occur through no fault of your reasons. The situation will emerge is not the best.

Next to you is a man, exuding a strong flavor - in front of mass meetings with strangers, in which you need to look decent.

Dreamed of fragrant smelling food - then you will find the pleasure derived from meetings with art - visiting exhibitions, museums, concerts, etc.. Learn from these "cultural campaign" the most use and pleasure.

Aroma of expensive perfume comes in a dream on you, and that you really like - in reality you are extremely happy with themselves and their achievements. Nevertheless, this is just the beginning, so do not sit back and do not stop working on yourself, and then your progress will be even more significant.

Choose a perfume with a pleasant smell - in front of a very difficult but necessary decision. You think you will lose more than will gain, but in fact moving in the right direction, and do not count on someone's help. Your problems are over, when you put your trust completely and decide the fate of relying on intuition, which makes half the battle.

East female dream book

For a young woman's dream in which she inhales the sweet flavor means that it offers a pure pleasure.

Modern dream book

For a young woman's dream in which she inhales the sweet scent means that in reality it offers pure pleasure.

Miller’s dream book

D. Perfume, Lily, Lily, Rose, Poppy.


If a young woman dreams that she inhaled the sweet fragrance, in real life, her life will soon be filled with treats or she will receive a wonderful gift. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about flavor

For a young woman's dream, in which she inhaled the sweet fragrance, meaning that in reality it expected a pleasure.

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