Dream » G » Graveyard

Dream «Graveyard»


To dream that you are at a graveyard, represents the discarded aspects of yourself. It is also a fear of the unknown. Alternative, it indicates a loss or a period of mourning.


To dream that you are walking through the cemetery (or ecclesiastical court) in winter - portends you a long and desperate struggle against poverty, perhaps. You will be living away from home, apart with friends. But if you notice any signs of spring, then you will find a pleasant atmosphere and enjoy the company of friends. For lovers see yourself in a dream in the graveyard (or, in the churchyard) means that they never get married, but they see their loved ones at the altar with others. see yourself in a dream in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery - means that you will receive unexpected news of the recovery of someone whom you already mourned. It will be recognized by your right to the land taken away from you. See old, neglected cemetery - it means that you will live up to the time when everyone you loved, you will leave and you will be in the care of strangers.For young people to dream, they roam the silent alleys of the dead, is a gentle and loving attitude of friends. But they are waiting and grief and sorrow in which friends will be powerless to help. Brides who dream that their wedding procession crosses Cemetery, lose their husbands in accidents. To bring mother Fresh flowers in the cemetery - is a long good health of the entire family. If a young widow dreams that she visited the cemetery - so long as it will replace the mourning clothes to the wedding. If she sees herself sad, waiting for her new worries and regret. Old people who dream cemetery, soon will face the ultimate journey into the land of eternal rest. Sight of small children, picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves, promises favorable changes. Anyone who sees the dream, and health permits for a long time to enjoy life, and friends do not leave it in the middle of life.

Miller’s dream book

To dream you walk through the cemetery (or ecclesiastical court) in the winter - you portends a long and desperate struggle against poverty; perhaps. You will be living away from home, separated from friends. But if you notice any signs of spring, then you will find a pleasant atmosphere and enjoy the company of friends. For lovers see yourself in a dream in the graveyard (or, in the churchyard) it means that they will never get married, but they see their loved ones at the altar with others. See yourself in a dream in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery - it means that you will receive unexpected news of the recovery of someone whom you already mourned. It will be recognized by your right to the land taken away from you. Seeing the old, neglected cemetery - means that you will live up to the time when everyone you loved, you will leave and you will be in the care of strangers. For young people to dream, they roam the silent alleys of the dead, is a gentle and loving attitude of friends. But they are waiting and grief and sorrow in which friends will be powerless to help. Brides who dream that their wedding procession crosses Cemetery, lose their husbands in accidents. For a mother to bring fresh flowers to the cemetery - is a long good health of the whole family. If a young widow dreams that she visited the cemetery - so long as it will replace the mourning clothes to the wedding. If she sees herself sad, waiting for her new worries and regret. Old people who dream cemetery, soon will face the ultimate journey into the land of eternal rest. The sight of small children picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves, promises favorable changes. Anyone who sees the dream, and health permits for a long time to enjoy life, and friends do not leave it in the middle of life.