Dream » I » Inventor

Dream «Inventor»

The inventor — a reflection of the creativity.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of the inventor - foretells that you will soon have successfully completed the unique work that will bring you honor and respect. If you dream you invent something themselves, or are interested in inventions - this means that you will find success and you will achieve the successful implementation of your ideas.

See — the successful completion of a unique work that will bring you honor and respect;

Invent or interested in inventions - good luck, the successful execution of plans.

If you dream you see the inventor, in real life, you will be able selfless efforts make a name.

If you dream that you invent something or are interested in any invention, then in reality you will be successful in implementing their plans.

Freud’s dream book

If you dream about inventing something, the same ingenuity peculiar to you in an intimate waking life. Sexually, you will not settle for traditional methods, seeking to diversify its all known and unknown ways. Perhaps you tend to think of the vast world and its inhabitants through the prism of sex, so your conclusions are not always true.

Longo’s dream book

Invent something — a dream of this nature speaks to your restless nature. You are so active, you can not calm down and sleep, and always busy with something in reality. Your idée fixe - one hundred percent to serve the people, because of that and doing nothing - not your destiny. Sleep also says that sometimes your altruism reinforces good material makeup. See how invent others - will be a witness to some extraordinary event.

East female dream book

The dream meaning: selflessly working, you will be able to become famous. If dreamed that you invent something or are interested in any invention, – your plans are successfully realized.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you see the inventor, in real life you will manage to glorify dedicated work the name. If dreamed you that you invent something or are interested in any invention, in reality you will be accompanied by success in implementation of the plans.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream of the inventor - foretells that you will soon have successfully completed the unique work that will bring you honor and respect.

If you dream you invent something themselves, or are interested in inventions - this means that you will find success and you will achieve the successful implementation of your ideas.


To see an inventor in your dream, signifies unique and honorable achievements. You may be trying to identify a higher level of consciousness.

To dream that you are an inventor, symbolizes your aspirations for fortune and success. It also highlights your creative side.

Miller’s dream book

To dream about the inventor – foretells that soon you successfully finish unique work which will bring you honor and respect.


If you dream you see the inventor, in real life, you will be able to self-denying work to glorify his name. If you had a dream that you invent something or are interested in any invention, then in reality you will be accompanied by success in the implementation of their plans.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of the inventor - foretells that soon you have successfully completed a unique work that will bring you honor and respect. If you dream you do invent something, or are interested in inventions - this means that you will be fortunate and you will achieve the successful implementation of your plans.