Dream » M » Monster

Dream «Monster»

Monster — a reflection of the hidden, repressed fears (including children). Reflection of fear of the unknown. The need to sort out their internal "monsters" and transform them.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you are pursuing a monster means that grief and misfortune will be occupied an important place in your life. Kill the monster in his sleep - harbinger of what you successfully cope with enemies and will occupy a prominent position in society.

Following you monster - sadness and unhappiness will be occupied an important place in your life;

Kill the monster - you successfully cope with enemies and will occupy a prominent position in society.

If you dream that you are pursuing the monster, in the near future, you expect failure.

If you dream you kill the monster, then in reality you successfully cope with enemies and will occupy a worthy place in the life.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Fear, doubt.

Hasse’s dream book

By unexpected trouble. After such a dream expect trouble, which is like a bolt from the blue.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Some unrecognized part of your inner world that you are afraid of. Hidden fears manifested in the form of. Look to your monster well, meet him better, read it, because only the unknown frightens. You can even ask the monster, what part of you it is. Fight the monster, even if you have to go back to the dream. Beating, you have the right to demand from the monster gifts and untold wealth.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Hidden children's fears can manifest themselves in images of monsters. Is there any unrecognized part of your soul, to which you feel fear? Examine your inner monster (their inner monsters). There is nothing worse than uncertainty. Meet with his inner demons. You can even imagine monsters and ask them what part of your personality they represent? Meet face-to-face with a frightening monster you fought against him, or make friends, but do not become a victim.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Fantastic monster scares you - an attack on you, the danger.

New family dream book

If you dream you pursued the monster, the reality of your life in the near future will be a lot of sadness.

East female dream book

A dream in which you pursue the monster, portends failure in the near future. If you kill the monster, then you will successfully cope with enemies and will occupy a worthy place in the life.

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are pursuing the monster, in the near future, you expect failure. If you dream you kill the monster, then in reality you successfully cope with enemies and will occupy a worthy place in the life.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream that you are pursuing a monster means that grief and misfortune will be occupied an important place in your life.

Kill the monster in his sleep - harbinger of what you successfully cope with enemies and will occupy a prominent position in society.


A monster is usually large and, therefore, can highlight a childlike fear perhaps the fear of death and all that goes with it or the fear of failure. Such an image tends to be encountered at some point in the Hero's Journey. When, in everyday life, events get out of proportion we often have to suppress our reactions. In dreams we cannot do this and so our minds create some way of dealing with the problem. Often the colour of the monster will give us some indication of what the problem is; a red monster would indicate anger (possibly uncontrolled), whereas a yellow one might suggest resentment. Any monster appearing in a dream represents something that we have made larger than life. We have personalized it so that whatever is worrying us appears as a creature. It usually indicates our negative elationship with ourselves and fear of our own emotions and drives. If we vanquish the monster, it is said that we must take care not to kill it, since we may be killing off part of our personality. Equally it should not be allowed to overcome us; self-survival kicks in and we will normally wake up before it does. You might like to consult the entries for Colour, Dinosaurs, Fabulous Beasts, Minotaur and also the Introduction for the Hero's Journey.

Dream book of Vanga

Different forms of monsters for diverse fears. To force you to face your fears.

Old Russian Dream Book

Fear, doubt.

Esoteric Dream Book

You suck stereotypes and behavioral clichГ©s. Find yourself!.


Fear, doubt.


A monster can represent your subconscious fears.Dreaming that a monster is after you can mean:

You feel someone is threatening you in real life—emotionally, mentally, or physically

You were having a Toxic Dream