Dream » M » Mute

Dream «Mute»

Dumb - the need to use the image of a "silent sage".

Miller’s dream book

If you dream you were talking to a dumb man, it is said that as a result of a succession of strange events you will be able to achieve in society about to be quite fit your advantages. You were dumb - immerse yourself in the disaster and survive the undeserved persecution. There is a possibility that the dream will warn you against excessive talkativeness. Because of this, you may experience difficulties when you're dealing with people; especially with those who have views do not coincide with your.

Esoteric Dream Book

See communicate — you do not understand or misunderstand what you did not guess. See yourself dumb - you have the ability to eloquence, which should be developed.

See dumb people - a dream is a warning: be careful with your words and actions, protecting the secret heart.

Be it — do not trust your friends to see silent - to achieve a high position.

Talk in his sleep with a mute - portends you chain of unusual events that result in you will take the position in society that meets your advantages. See dumb yourself - Disaster and unjust persecution. It is also possible that such a dream for you will be a sign, a warning against excessive talkativeness, which may prevent you from communicating with people, especially those who hold opposing views to your.

Talking with mute - a chain of unusual events that result in you will take the position in society that meets your advantages;

Be dumbDisaster and unjust persecution, maybe it's a warning against excessive talkativeness, which may prevent you from communicating with people, especially those who hold opposing views to your.

Also see. Conversation.

Hasse’s dream book

Saw the silent man - reach high office. Is it most - warning: do not trust your friends.

Ancient French dream book

See dumb people - a dream is a warning: be careful with your words and actions, protecting the secret heart.

Modern dream book

Dumb dream to numerous tests, false accusations. But, even without fighting slander, find a way out of the predicament.

If you dream that you are dealing with a mute, the dream foretells not only a success in all your endeavors, but meteoric career, which will occupy in society rather high position. The same dream may denote a series of enjoyable events that have a positive impact on your career development, improve the financial position of.

New family dream book

Talking with a dumb herald chain of unusual events, as a result of which you will occupy in society position for your ambitions. Saw the dumb yourself - wait for unjust persecution. This dream must be for you to sign, a warning against excessive talkativeness, which can ruin your relationships with people who hold opposing views.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

If you see yourself in a dream dumb - it means that somehow his act so hard you drop your dignity that long then can not be justified either in their or in the eyes of others.

East female dream book

Dreamed you were dumb? We have to state: even your natural eloquence will not be able to save the situation. Dumb people this dream warns his new friends may betray him at any moment.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

See yourself dumb - to the great sorrow.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Talk in his sleep with a mute - portends you chain of unusual events that result in you will take the position in society that meets your advantages.

See dumb yourself - Disaster and unjust persecution.

It is also possible that this dream will be a sign for you, a warning against excessive talkativeness, which may prevent you from communicating with people, especially those who hold opposing views to your.


Talk in his sleep with a mute - portends you chain of unusual events that result in you will take the position in society that meets your advantages. See dumb yourself - Disaster and unjust persecution. It is also possible that such a dream for you will be a sign, a warning against excessive talkativeness, which may prevent you from communicating with people, especially those who hold opposing views to your. If you dream that you - dumb in real life you do not succeed in using rhetoric to convince others of their point of view and thus use them for profit. To see such a dumb dream - the prediction of false friends.