The phallus is not an erotic dream for men - a distorted perception of themselves as men; for women - a distorted perception of their domestic partner.
In the erotic dream - ootrazhenie underestimating the sexual sphere and / or its features in it.
Son warns against possible disappointment. A young woman dream in which she touches the phallus, warns affair would bring her more trouble than joy. May suffer not only her reputation, but also health.
The phallic symbol may predict a weakening, muted, or underestimation of human sexuality.
Any image either of or to do with the phallus signifies everything that is creative, penetrative and masculine. It is vitality and creativity in both its simplest and most complex form. It is resurrection and the renewal
Of life.
It, as a rule, an obvious sign of the man’s principle, force and a potentiality, especially at its erection. In some cultures the religious iconography represents distribution of powerful divine energy in the Universe by means of a penis. The become soft penis can assume feeling of powerlessness or unembodied potential. This sign can also testify that childhood memories come to a consciousness surface.
Seen in a dream phallus warns you against potential disappointment. For a young woman's dream, in which she touches the penis means that its love affair would bring her more trouble than joy. The exposed person may not only her reputation, but also health.
Dream of the phallus predicts neudovleivorennosti and women feel the desire to give this man.Solid and energetic phallus - a sign of sexual harmony, sluggish and flabby - disappointment in the man which she likes. A man and his own dream phallus (if he doubted his capabilities) bodes fatigue and the need for an extended holiday.