Dream «Profession»

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

People of different professions to see: the postman - to the disappointment of a news story. Barber - you have to prominence. Seamstress - the fear. Portnoy - to trouble. Bocharov - to abundance. Seller, merchant - you're too opposed to their environment. Baker, a man in agony - a good time joy. Nanny - profit through someone else's work. Servants - a lie, irritation, annoyance. A lot of workers - the death of prosperity. Courier - bad news, slander. Wine merchant - injury, illness. Jeweler - a change of position or loss of a valuable item. Night watchman - a quarrel, danger, trouble in your family. Blacksmith - health or recovery.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements — wood, fire, earth. Elements - wind, heat, humidity. Emotions - anger, joy, thoughtfulness. Organs - the liver, heart, spleen, gall bladder and small intestine. The Planets - Jupiter, Mars, Venus. Performance of professional duties is usually associated with the hope of a career with the desire to be something in front of others - to lead, with the ambition and so on. Professional responsibilities are repeated day after day, with their fixed intensely harmful to the body emotion: internal yin-state (I) is seeking to acquire the external forms of career. This causes the blocks in the flow of Qi energy: yin is depleted inside, outside yang shape absorbs them all. As a result, the person gradually loses its ability to adequately assess the peace and purely human qualities outside the profession. Born gradually inferiority complexes (I was out of work no one appreciates! ) Lead to an even greater desire to go to work with the head and live only for her, which leads to the already physically and mentally ill health is clearly expressed. Work / perform their professional duties in a dream - the external action reflects the internal state of the yin to the more appropriate external or internal images. See at work in exactly copying the reality of the situation unchanged (usually sleep in the morning has continued in the form of bad things moods, headaches and so on) means that the fixation on the field of artificial, unnatural human relations is already large. Night's sleep does not bring liberation, space information hidden from the sleeping earth information. Sleep is unfavorable: remember prevailing emotion in the dream and look diseased organs: the joy of success in a dream indicates the heart and small intestine, the anger - the liver, and so on. Recommended advice of a physician, a change of scenery and reduces any adverse occupational factors hobby. See at work in an absurd situation - someone comes to work without pants / naked / buildings is not there / it is falling apart in front of the dreamer / machines are in the woods / training sessions are conducted in a movie theater, etc.. This dream means that the body is actively fighting the existing professional voltage. If the absurd situation makes the dreamer's interest instead of fear (Interestingly, while all the others are without pants? and the like), the sleep favorable. This is a manifestation of one of the archetypes of the human mind - the Trickster-jester: jester laugh, and laughter is always relieve negative emotions, you just have to be able to laugh at themselves without shame. However, the possibility of such a dream indicates that these bodies are overloaded, they need intensive recreation, entertainment, slowdown. Professional sleep-shifter in the work and direct the affairs promises success, but there can be complications in relationships.

Dream book of the Wanderer

Professions (other people in a dream) - often represent images ourselves in standard, sample situations. People in our dreams is, most often, ourselves, our opportunities, interests, traits of character or typical influences on us from outside: after all "all of us not one play a role …".

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

The professional type of the person is its certain aspect I. It corresponds or does not correspond to an archetype, and it is reflected in relation to professional elements of a dream.