Dream «Registry office»

If you dreamed these things Marital Institution, therefore, soon whether in your family, then you have your relatives or closest friends will be some changes in marital status.

Longo’s dream book

To see a registry office from outside – you expect change. To come into a registry office – it is possible that your marriage not far off. And if you did not make the proposal of a hand and heart yet or, on the contrary, to you nobody made it, so it will occur literally the other day. To register something in a registry office – the dream means that you should be engaged in the affairs demanding circulation on different instances and communication with bureaucratic brotherhood soon. That for you it will become tiresome and nervous business, there is also your fault. You too long delayed renewal of documents, and when there was time and the urgent need in them ripened, you at last bethought. To see itself the worker of a registry office – in your life everything is ordered, current affairs are in a strict order, there are no debts, errors, mistakes. But whether it seems to you, what sometimes your life reminds the ruled magazine in which without uniform blot calligraphical handwriting painted all your life on minutes and hours?

Freud’s dream book

If the registry office it means that you want to legalize your relations that is, your marriage not far off dreamed you. And if you did not make the proposal of a hand and heart yet or, on the contrary, to you nobody made it, – means, this event will occur soon.

East female dream book

If you observe from outside how in a registry office there takes place registration of your marriage – means, you are waited by big doubts. The dream in which you come to a registry office as the witness, means: starting new business, you risk.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you observe from outside how in a registry office there takes place registration of your marriage, in real life you are not sure of correctness of the decision made by you concerning change of the status. The dream in which you come to a registry office as the witness at someone’s wedding, means that in reality you do not risk to begin any new business, will not be absolutely sure of its reliability yet.

Freud’s dream book

If you had a registry office, it says that you want to legitimize your relationship, and then your marriage is not far off. And if you have not made a marriage proposal, or, on the contrary, it to you no one did - so this event will happen very soon.


If you dream you see from behind those in the registry office I check your own marriage, in real life you're not sure about your decisions regarding the change of status. A dream in which you come to the registry office as a witness to someone else's wedding, means that in reality you do not risk to start any new business, until you are absolutely sure of its reliability.

Henry Rommel

If your dream is somehow connected with the Department of Vital Records soon you or your family expect a change in marital status.