Dream » R » Relative

The interpretation of the dream «Relative»

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Relatives living in a dream to see - your ideas, thoughts and ideas about them. See distant relative - peace, living far away from you - keep away from him, longing for him. Parents see - get help. With them say - good friendship. They lose - to be forced to rely on foreign assistance. Mother in a dream to see - a happy event. Losing it - the pangs of conscience, to see the mother's breast - the road, the mother of the patient to see - a disease associated with breast. Father's see - profit. His sick or dead to see - a disease (of the head). To argue with him - a disorder cases. Seeing his brother - health, dissatisfaction with life experience, the news. To argue with him - a warning against the loss of their own fault. Fight him - a feeling akin to love, to experience, to long for it, he'll be grateful. See it in the water - pleasure. Dead - long life. Sister to see - irritation, anger, through his own fault, the changes. Put it in a trough - a shameless act, to issue marriage. Death or departure of a brother or sister - always happily, their illness can mean disease or toes. Uncle to see - an unexpected success. Cousins ​​or sisters - undefined relationship with a certain person. Their adult children to see - if the "good", the happiness and "bad": secretly worrying about them, suspecting something evil, the daughter dying to see - to be a big expense, their "little" big kids to see - help, hope. Deceased relatives, friends or loved ones to see - version of secret desires, help in a difficult situation, your desire to get support, longing for the warmth of relations, friends, change of weather or extreme cold start. But if the deceased person kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself go on his trail - a serious illness and misfortune; even worse to give them money, food, clothing, etc. Things - serious illness, danger to life. I died in a dream to take anything - happiness, wealth, congratulating him - do a good deed, his longing to see - ill of him remember. On the other died in his sleep to say - important news, all dead (deceased) in the dream said - though they are "ambassadors of the future". Portrait of the deceased in a dream to see - the spiritual assistance in material need. Seen together both deceased parents - happiness, wealth. Deceased father or mother - the authority, the nature of the phenomenon is always particularly important in this case: a mother by their appearance often warns against reckless behavior, the father of what later will be ashamed. Deceased grandfather or grandmother were in a dream before significant changes. The deceased's brother - thankfully. Sister - a vague, uncertain future. Wife to see her husband's own - to think, worry about it, he thinks, or even seeking another woman. Lover's see - to something bad, turn to evil. He thermometer or something else somewhere paste - relief. His wife in a dream to see - to quarrel with her, cheating. Beat it - to something good just for her. Pregnant - luckily. The patient - to cheat. Old - to disaster. Caress her, embrace - or angry, or a great success. Dumb to see - the news of someone's death. Sell ​​- row. The husband of his mistress to see - it will soon quit.

Loff’s dream book

Relatives — a significant figure in real life as well as in a dream. For this reason, the interpretation of dreams with the presence of family members - not an easy task. There are hundreds of different possible interpretations, which may be based on a scenario of sleep or by the laws of classical psychology. The reason for the predominance of dreams about a family is the desire of every person to answer the question of what the state of affairs in the family is "normal", and then apply this knowledge in practice. A huge number of customers take courses psychological treatment, causing their complaints desire "to have a normal family," or "normal marriage". This idea comes from our relatives, as well as on how well they meet or do not meet our definition of normal. Dreams of a family can reinforce or undermine our "normal" perception of the family. Relationships within the extended family are important for the development of the concepts of family and tradition. As you are growing up and subjected to critical analysis of the concept of "normal", leading it in line with your own views on life, these traditions are stronger or deeper in your mind, or in conflict with your own ideas. Responsibilities of family members, as well as the order and timing of certain orders depend on the leverage that exist in the "extended family". As a result, we create our own family history that defines our true position within the cell of society and outlines its position in our perception of the world. At the level of archetype dreams involving relatives can be interpreted as a desire to sleep to see how he interacts with a large human community, consisting of relatives. For this kind of dream interpretation is necessary to determine which of the relatives took part in the dream, and to establish whether they are alive in fact: it is often dead relatives continue to live in our dreams. This typically have the following reasons: either the action is happening in the dream reminds you of the ritual aspects of the relationship with this relative, or your relationship with him were unclear. Typically, dreams about relatives periodically repeats. Such repetition can be PROPHETIC or historical significance, especially if the central figures in a dream are the relatives with whom you have friction at the emotional level, or there is concern about the state of their health. In the case of the friction at the emotional level, the dream may indicate the cause of these tensions and to point out the possibility of its removal. In the case of the shaky health of some relatives, sleep can warn of impending death in the family. The place and the reason for the appearance of a dream relatives are important for interpretation. For example, if in your dream there are only women who engage in affairs which they have traditionally performed together, it could mean that you are in what is something new as reconnect with family. Here are some interpretations of this dream: 1. Reluctance to join the women in their business - a reference to the contradictory attitude to family traditions. Joining a group consisting exclusively of persons of the opposite sex - confusion with the definition of their place in the family. Joining a group of family members with a common unique feature, for example, all bald, all have cancer, all widows, all unmarried, and t. - Indicates the identification with a group, or a fear of sharing the fate of those whom you feel pity or sorrow. Although the family members are significant figures in a dream they can carry different semantic meaning. Often that might arise in this connection, free associations are the key to unlocking their impact on your sleep and values ​​that influence. Typical figures of family members such as fathers and mothers (or their images) are iconic in dreams. Regardless of relationship to them, they were the first people who have shaped our identity, which includes our response to the world around us, as well as self-esteem and inner system of values. Thus, another significant aspect of dreams involving relatives is a reflection of the positive or negative influence on the formation of individual family members and your ego strengths PERSON. Your strengths and weaknesses often turn manifest themselves in different generations. For example, in one generation the father expresses his anger quite rapidly. In the next generation wrath falls into the category of taboo and is not expressed at all. In this regard, dreams of one parent have the compensation effect. Sometimes in a dream you can see a close family member in an unusual situation for him (such as scuba diving in the company of his grandmother). Typically, the dreams of this kind abound in a variety of other symbols and images that point to its true value.

Old Russian Dream Book


Children's Dream Book

The distant relative (the three times removed uncle on the female line, for example) - at you everything will be good.

Dream book of the Wanderer

Relatives — in general - disagreements, quarrels, contradictions, disputes, a sharing; moral and spiritual support. Distant - oblivion, reminiscence, indifference; an event or feelings which are connected with the dreamed relative.