Dream «Roulette with the number four»

Roulette - if you dream that you were in a casino and want to put a large sum of money for the number "4", it means that you have relied too much on his business partner or marriage, and blindly trust his statements. If you dream you are putting money on the number and win, then 4 weeks later something happened that will open your eyes to what is happening: most likely your partner is not completely honest with you, and half of the important information from you withholds. But if you could not sleep for some reason to bet on the number "4" or losing money, then in 4 days you will make a vain folly and blame your partner for all sins, when in fact he (or she) is not in not guilty of anything, just the circumstances are just so and not otherwise. If you see yourself in a casino in the community 4 unpleasant to you men, in reality you have to get into a strange situation - you will be accused in connection with the person whom you've never seen. If in your dream, these people will be tuned towards you aggressively, you will be accused of bribery and fraud, and you will need 13 days to dispel these ridiculous suspicions. Of course, this period will be for you a tedious and require a large expenditure of energy. If you see yourself in the company of four women who strongly express to you my admiration and attention have different signs, then in reality you will have a promoter who will assist you in matters of the heart, so if you love someone and you want to achieve reciprocity, the you need to open your Unexpected powerful friend. But young people dream advised to be careful and not to trust the intimate secrets best friends - in love and a friend can be a contender. If you dream you look at the tape and see how to win one of the following numbers: 4, 13, 22 or 31 - that in reality you have to listen to what they say smart people. Maybe you just can not because of objective reasons to understand what is happening around, so do not disdain to take advantage of valuable advice. Especially if they are received by you in the dream of higher powers. To dream, like winning number "4" - the victory of your idea or project, it is also likely that you will occupy 4 weeks prize in the contest. If you immediately after you accept the offer man who drives a four, then you will be a success and honor. To see the winning number "13" means that you are too soft with their subordinates, and they brazenly take advantage of this. Listen to the words of the man who is already 4 years old next to you, he advises you to properly come to grips with the discipline and hard work to take the reins in their hands. Enough to make concessions, it is time to firmly insist on his own, or will soon hurt your case. The number "22" - good luck to travel. After 2 weeks and 2 days you will plunge into the world of pleasure and fun, but it will happen because of your cronies who suddenly can arrange a friendly nature trips, camp site or to the country. Forget for a while all your cares and worries and enjoy the company of the soul, great drinks and delicious snacks! If the winning number "31", then in front of you waiting period of small problems may rebel and your family members to urgently make you do housework. This, too, have a charm, try to get away from the sad thoughts and not be discouraged, this is abuse of your personality will last no longer than 13 days.