Dream » S » Surname

The interpretation of the dream «Surname»

Surname memorable, not a celebrity or own - watch the symbolic value attributed to this family. Also, a reminder of the possibility of becoming dependent on a particular carrier ever, foreign names.

Esoteric Dream Book

To announce your name - you are interested authorities. Be careful. Assign someone else - you hide behind someone else's back. To be responsible for their actions still have to. To hear her - just wait for suggestions and dissatisfaction with superiors. To hear someone else - will fall under someone's authoritarian influence'll crushed someone else will.

East female dream book

Change the name - it means that in the near future, you change jobs or vnesesh changes in personal life. If you hear that someone is calling you by name - may soon turn to you for help friends. A dream in which you feel upset because of what has taken her husband's name suggests: you are not completely satisfied with the way your family life.

Modern dream book

If you dream that you have decided to change the name, then in real life, you feel the need for change. It is possible that in the near future, you change jobs or make changes in personal life. If you dream you hear someone calling you by name, you may soon turn to you for help your friends. If a woman is experiencing grief due to the fact that she had taken her husband's name, so in reality it is not quite happy with the way family life.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Names and surnames of people. Friends, acquaintances or somebody else known to the individual can act in a dream only as a name and a surname. Children with a certain name or a surname can symbolically represent the elderly person having the same name or a surname in a dream. For example, somebody in a dream, called by Victor, symbolically points to action "Winner" and the specific adult acquaintance who embodies an image of a victory. Conceals a name, thus, not only the person, but also the instruction on action. The surname not only is associated with specific or other person, but also and a sort, a family, that is with something, belonging to the inherited archetype. Behind a surname the place where this person is met can be covered, but also the place can indicate a significant surname. So one of my patients sleepwalked on the bridge, and a surname of his chief of "Pavement".


If you had a dream that you have decided to change the name, then in real life you feel the need for change. It is possible that in the near future, you change jobs or make changes in personal life. If you dream you hear someone calling you by name, it may be soon to you to ask for the help of your friends. If a woman is experiencing grief due to the fact that she took her husband's name, so in reality it is not quite happy with the way the family life.

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