Dream » V » Void

The interpretation of the dream «Void»

Emptiness — a reflection of the emptiness at all.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Simplify Your Life. Free yourself from the concepts of stereotypes and ideals. Often, a person should empty ourselves to be filled. Emptiness - a condition for filling. Are you feeling empty and lonely, as if there is nothing left inside of you? Take the time and attention to stuff yourself, take care of yourself, treat with love in his own person. Do what brings you joy.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements — fire, earth, wood. Elements - heat, humidity, wind. Emotions - joy, thoughtfulness, calm, anger (as the beginning of the joy of birth). Organs - the heart, small intestine, spleen, stomach, liver, gall bladder. The Planets - Mars, Saturn, Jupiter. Circle / circle - since ancient times was a symbolic figure that protects people from evil, and evil spirits. One version of the circle - ring should ideally fasten / save manpower in accordance with the intended target. Ring, for example - a symbol of preservation of the family, a symbol of a long memory and kind (generic rings - rings). Circle / ring otedinyaet person from the outside, giving him the opportunity to look inside yourself and collect the maximum forces. Void in a magic circle - there is no lack of feeling, but rather, the absolute, free from momentary emotions and opinions, the sensitivity to the voice of Eternity - to the truths of eternity. Sages and alchemists of old, trying to reach the divine revelation, or to speak with the higher towards the man forces (the elements and spirits) concluded yourself physically and mentally outlined (spell) circle. Here, between the real world and the inverted value sleepy: the fact that in reality - a void in the space of sleep - the occupancy. Feeling the ground in a dream - nothing, emptiness, around the dreamer: no shape, no form, but there is the state of security and peace of mind. At least - to dream of zero circle / herself in the middle of the circle / circle: the symbol of balance of yin and yang - the anticipation of future movements, that is, it is the initial state of motion - motion tai chi. To dream of a zero / zero turn himself in, in the void with positive feelings - to drop all external and internal to grasp the essence of the problem. In the center of the circle all the solutions are likely - is to choose and to strive to implement the mentally. The result of this condition is the solution of any conflict situation is not acute by overcoming and victory, but a resolution / display of absurdity the very basis of the conflict from the perspective of the eternal truths. For the participants of the conflict is the dreamer's waking behavior psychologically looks like his disappearance, leaving the void, that is, as it would stop noticing. This is natural: becoming a party to the conflict, as the dreamer would rise above it on the stage and not be an actor, but a director. Director on stage in the play is not there, but dictates the role of. Sleep is very favorable: it is similar to the state of concentration and gaining inner strength through meditation in yoga. It is the dreamer in this capacity. See yourself / be in a vacuum / at zero with unpleasant sensations (fear) - the dreamer's enough to provoke a state of stability, but there are no opportunities to own it. The result may be the disappearance of the situation in the bad sense of the dreamer in the real world will cease to be. It should be carefully evaluated based on what a high opinion of yourself? Otherwise the dream promises a streak of bad luck. The medical aspect of sleep the overflow of the heart, spleen, lethargy and lack of energy forces in the liver, which is already a secondary consequence of inappropriate emotions.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Empty tub, a bucket - Disappointing; anger, if dryly.