Characteristics of Aquarius

Aquarius & ndash; most unpredictable zodiac sign. Most of all, he appreciates the independence and freedom. Taking important decisions, focuses not only on the good judgment and the ability to foresee the development of the situation, but also on the well-developed intuition. For many of them, life & ndash; this experiment. Aquarius attracts the attention surrounding non-standard approach to any situation, the ability to think abstractly. Brilliant insights representatives of this sign make a revolution in science and technology. If Aquarius is taken for any business, it takes persistence and inventive skills, bringing it to its logical conclusion. If he does not see himself worthy of use in society, it tends to live in their dreams and fantasies. He has an amazing ability to completely immersed in his inner world, if it seems surrounding gray and lifeless. They are creative people who are doing for inspiration and do not like the severe restrictions of any work or in personal life. A sign of Aquarius two lord Saturn and Uranus. Saturn gives them the ability to work long and hard in one direction, well-structured information. Uranus gives insight, ability at one point make radical changes in life, interest in everything new and unusual. Because of these qualities Aquarians are successfully engaged in all kinds of advanced fields. Their talents are most manifest when they act in a team of like-minded. This open communication, contact people, and respect the opinions of others. But always reserve the right to decide to convince them of anything extremely difficult. They have a lot of friends. If Aquarius assists, he does so unselfishly. In his personal life is pretty free style, not loving restrictions. Relationships are built on mutual interest. If the interest is lost, Aquarius can easily leave a habitual way
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