Characteristics of the Virgin

Virgo - the most practical sign of the zodiac. These are the true workers. It is very difficult to be idle. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, the sign gives the representatives of dexterous hands, intelligence and the ability to turn any situation to your advantage. Elements of the earth, to which the sign of Virgo gives perseverance and desire to be helpful. They are very attentive to detail, their talents are clearly manifested in the material sphere. They are great performers, capable of for years to hone his technique. Virgin quickly trained in the process, often on the accuracy of performance problems outperform their teachers. The most important decisions in their lives Virgin take, based on sober calculation, the ability to calculate the situation. They do not take into account the emotions, intuition tips. And often life shows that they were right in their choice. Virgin is not very self-confident, so rarely report their intentions. Their belief in yourself, in your strength increases, as a specific result. Support the approval of others, feeling that they need people to significantly increase the self-esteem Dev. By the way, the representatives of this sign is pretty cool take criticism. For them, criticism - the ability to improve its performance. And they themselves are very well see the shortcomings of others and try to help them fix. Observations of the Virgin, as a rule, are constructive. In the privacy of the mark in the same lot of attention to healthy lifestyles, different little things. As a rule, they are creative approach to the organization of everyday life, in every way to lighten their daily work through the use of mechanisms and devices. In relation to household caring, very attached to people close to, though inclined to criticize them. For them, the more important the reliability of relations, confidence in a partner, rather than the external manifestations of feelings
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