Generally, allergies symbolizes acceptance of the situation.
If you dream that you have an allergic reaction to something intangible (eg, communication with any person or any book or transfer, and the like), then in reality you should be restrained in terms of its relationship to activities of others.
In general, the allergy symbolizes rejection of a situation. If dreamed you that you had an allergic reaction to something non-material (for example, on communication with any person or on any book or transfer, and so forth), in reality you should be more reserved in expression of the relation to activity of other people.
To dream that you have allergies, signifies your sensitively to some situation. You may feel that you are physically or emotionally restrained from doing something.
The allergy is a sensitivity to environment, intolerance of external irritants. Whether there is in your life something that you cannot transfer or to that are not capable to resist? Perhaps, you should develop immunity to before what you are defenseless?
In general, allergy symbolizes the rejection of the situation.
Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about allergy
In general, allergy represents rejection of the situation. If you had a dream that you have an allergic reaction to something intangible (for example, to communicate with any person or any book or transfer, and the like), then in reality, you should be more restrained in the expression its relationship to the work of others.
Defense mechanism, or overactive defense mechanisms
A desire or tendency to distance yourself in real life from some person, situation, or experience