Dream » A » Altar

The interpretation of the dream «Altar»

The altar — the loss of the dearest person to you.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

The altar in a dream to build - portends great joy and also join any of their relatives in holy orders; sacrificed - is a sign of great grace and prosperity.


In most religions the altar signifies a sacred space where we commune with the Divine In the presence of the Divine, we can give thanks and be at one. Spiritually an altar signifies both the barrier and the link between the

Physical realms and the spiritual. The act of sacrifice, or rather of making our lives sacred, needs to be acknowledged and can be done through ceremony. An altar is an appropriate place to carry out such ceremonies, so in dreams it

Signifies a special place of great meaning. What is placed on the altar is significant and can be interpreted in the light of your religious belief or lack of such belief. Psychologically, it is worthwhile considering what is being sacrificed or given up, either willingly or unwillingly, in everyday life. An altar in a dream represents the means or need to give ourselves up to something that is more important than the immediate situation. It can also represent the centre of your world, the starting point for a new life, or the giving up of an old one. Within the framework of the differences between mens and womens dreams, working at an altar can highlight the difference between the archetype of the sorcerer, who tends to use power dispassionately, and the priestess, whose caring is more intuitive and in tune with what is needed.

Also consult the entry for Table as well as the information on Spiritual Imagery in the Introduction.

Freud’s dream book

As long as this dream is one in which reverence is shown, it is propitious. To dream of praying before an altar is an omen of release from pressing worries.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of seing{sic} a priest at the altar, denotes quarrels and unsatisfactory states in your business and home. To see a marriage, sorrow to friends, and death to old age. An altar would hardly be shown you in a dream, accept to warn you against the commission of error. Repentance is also implied.

Ancient French dream book

To dream about an altar foretells big sincere experience, ecstasy. to dream the destroyed altars – a sign very favorable for scientific and commercial occupations.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

If in a dream you see yourself at an altar accepting a sacred participle is the disturbing omen speaking about many serious and heartrending experiences. This dream means the involuntary separation caused for lovers or unexpected departure, or even death, this dream also warns about serious complications on service.

Azar’s dream book

Altar – religious hobby

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Altar – the center of worship spiritual aspects of life, the place devoted to volume there to remember things rather important. Whether you feel need for creation of an altar for your house or for own soul?

East female dream book

If in a dream you consider an altar and see everything to the smallest details, so in reality you risk to make a mistake of which you will bitterly repent. The priest standing at an altar dreamed you – prepare for troubles both in affairs, and in a family.

Miller’s dream book

To dream the priest at an altar – means quarrels and dissonance in commercial and household chores.

Modern dream book

If the priest standing at an altar dreamed you, you should be ready to troubles which expect you both in affairs, and in a family. The dream in which you see a wedding ceremony, predicts possible troubles at your friends. If in a dream you consider an altar and see everything to the smallest details, in reality you risk to make a mistake of what will bitterly repent.

New family dream book

To the priest of an altar means quarrels and dissonance in commercial and household chores.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

To see an altar - pleasure, festival, something kind.


To dream of a priest at the altar - means the quarrels and discord in the commercial and domestic affairs. See Wedding - promises a sad event in the lives of your friends. Altar appear to you in a dream to warn against making a mistake. This dream can mean a speedy repentance. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about altar

If you had a priest standing at the altar, then you should be prepared for the troubles that await you in the cases and in the family. A dream in which you see the wedding ceremony, predicts possible trouble from your friends. If you dream you are considering altar and see every detail, then in reality you run the risk of making a mistake, what will bitterly regret it.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of a priest at the altar - means the quarrels and discord in the commercial and home affairs. Seeing the wedding - promises a sad event in the lives of your friends. The altar will be you in a dream to warn against making a mistake. This dream can mean a speedy repentance.