Dream «Apparently»


The symbol has a double meaning. Usually the bull symbolizes the male principle, solar regenerating power, dedicated to all the gods of heaven and fertility, men's productive power, royal descent. In other cases, symbolizes the earth and the female force of nature. When the bull is the moon on it go the goddess of the moon - Astarte and Europe, and it is the taming of the male and the animal began. A rider on a bull or bulls, pulling a cart, are the attributes of a solar warrior associated with the sky, the storm and solar deity. The roar of the bull symbolizes thunder, rain and fertility. Being the epitome of man's productive forces, the bull is associated with fertile forces of sun, rain, storm, thunder and lightning, therefore, both dry and wet elements. Celestial deities often appear in the form of a bull, a goddess portrayed him as a spouse. Sacrifice of a bull and tavroboliya take place in worship Attis, and Mithra, as well as in the ancient celebrations of the New Year. Bullish symbolism - a common occurrence in the Sumerian and Semitic cults. Chelovekobyk - it usually sentinel protecting either the middle or treasure, or some doors. It protects from evil, and is usually apotropichnym. Bull's head is the most important part of t. it contains its principle of life is a sacrifice and death. Stabbing a bull on New Year symbolizes the death of Winter and the birth of creative vitality. In Buddhism, the bull represents the personality, the ego and the god of the dead is an attribute of the Pit, which is sometimes depicted with the head of a bull or buffalo. The Celts gods Bulls symbolize strength and power. For druids bull - is the sun, and the cow - the land. The Chinese ox is considered one of the animals of the Twelve Earthly Branches. In Christianity, the bull represents the brutal force and is the emblem of St.. Eustache, who was tortured in a copper bull, and St.. Tesla. The Egyptians bull Apis Text Osiris "; and a second life and a servant of Ptah "; He is also worshiped in the form of Mnevsa or Mervera. He was devoted to the solar god Ra, who in the image of the heavenly bull, daily fertilized sky goddess Nut. God Neb land was also a bull celestial goddesses. Thigh bull was considered phallic leg of Seth, symbolizing fertility, strength, and the North Pole. Among the Greeks, the bull was considered an attribute of Zeus, a sky god, and Dionysus, who was depicted with horns, and sometimes with a bull's head, when the male principle embodied. Is dedicated to Poseidon, cup-bearers who were in Ephesus "; bulls "; As the wet strength, the bull was an attribute of Aphrodite. The Jews Yahweh - is "; Israel bull "; Therefore, he represented the power of Yahweh. The Hindus is a symbol of strength, speed, fertility, reproductive forces of nature. Shiva travels on a bull Nandini, keeper of the West. Bull is also an attribute of Agni - "; A powerful bull "; and a form of Indra in his fertile aspect. The bull symbolizes the vital breath vseobnimayuschee Aydit. The force imparted by the soma, often equated with the power of the bull. Rudra is connected to the cow goddess. The Iranians bull represents the soul of the world, and its productive forces are associated with the moon and the blessed rain clouds. The bull was first created the animals and the first animal to be killed by Ahriman. From bovine heart of everything created controversy occurred later. In the Minoan culture is the Great God. Bull sacrificed to the god of earthquakes and earth "; Bull will rejoice one who shakes the Earth "; Homer. In some cultures, it was believed that the bull is an earthquake, the ground hooking horns, and then all they hear its roar. In Crete, it seems, is the reproductive power of nature. In Mithraism bull is considered a solar god, and sacrifice a bull was a central ceremony in Mithraism. Also represents a victory over the animal nature of man and the life that has passed through death. Bull with the lion is a symbol of death. In ancient Rome, the bull was considered an attribute of Jupiter, the god of heaven, dedicated to Mars, Venus and the attribute of Europe, as the lunar deities. Europe, as a symbol of the dawn, was carried through the heavens solar bull. Scandinavians have a bull - an attribute Thor and Freya is dedicated to. The Sumerians and the Semites celestial bull plowed a deep furrow in the sky. Ramman, Ashur and Hell Hell rode bulls and were called "; bulls heaven "; Marduk, or Merodach is identified Gudibirom "; bull of light "; Sun, Enlil, Enki, or - is "; ferocious bull of heaven and earth "; Moon god Sin also assumes the form of a bull. The Hittite Sun God assumes the shape of a bull Teshub and is one of the aspects of Ea as the god of magic, and is often depicted in art as a guardian of the Sumerian entry. Syrian and Phoenician Baal or Bel, a solar god of fertility of the soil and herds, symbolized by the bull. Akkadian "; Guide Bull "; begins the zodiacal year. Winged bulls represent guardian spirits. Zodiacal significance bull - Taurus is the symbol of the sun and the creative power of spring.