Dream «Archetypes»

Loff’s dream book

The archetypes — a component of the collective unconscious, endowed with a number of characteristic features. For example, many dream perform heroic deeds. Everyone knows that a heroic act - is the result of man's perception of the ideas of goodness and self-sacrifice, the manifestation of man in the image of archetypal hero-savior. In life there are many archetypes. In the course of their research on human psychology and world mythologies Carl Jung described the lot of them. In many ethnic cultures and religious communities, there are myths that embodied the final version of the various archetypal experiences. Examples of characters can serve as Hercules or Sinbad. The transition moments of our lives we tend to identify themselves with archetypes. The changes usually cause us anxiety and forced to rethink their own behavior. You end student life and start to work, the transition from bachelorhood to marriage, say goodbye to childlessness and become a parent - these are just some examples of the transition from one archetype to another.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Archetypes — prototypes of the basic characteristics of the individual. The term dates back to the notion of the prototype structure, which lies at the heart of the actually existing forms of organisms (archetypal plant, mother tongue, prazhivotnoe). The concept of the archetype may be extended to the morphology (the constitution), behavior, consciousness and so on. Cultural prototypes related to the search of the origins of ethnicity and culture. Psycho units such as personality typology, are also archetypes. According to analytical psychology, there are three main components of the individual personality that occur in dreams as separate figures - sometimes they look like the people they know, sometimes act as imaginary characters or symbolic personification. Most often they are seen as something meaningful and significant with the features of mystery. In the fantasies and dreams, these images are often axial and visit us over the years. They determine the acceptance or the obverse of (rejection) by the other people and yourself. On the archetypes list specific subjects, the number of which is limited (up to sixteen), and many variations. Such stories are Mythologeme. It is assumed that every myth is associated with a certain stylistic behavior - bihevioremoy, which acts as an intuitive desire for a particular element, color, interests, appearance image. Everyone, even artificially created, the image is reduced to the archetype. Text S n o n aNegativnaya side of the personality called his shadow, she is the personification of shortcomings and weaknesses. Dark side can be found in Ono (destructive desires), the ego (the wrong attitude to themselves and others), and Beyond I (negative morality). Anima, or in the case of a woman, Animus, are the embodiment of the opposite sex in the unconscious: the men and women it's emotional; the woman - her masculine attributes. The Self - the highest potential that an individual can achieve and who can communicate with him through dreams. Thus, the Self - uncertain figure, the potential emergence of something in the future. Opposites can be integrated into the individual, and thus a person can become an integrated, multi-real Self. Despite the mixed nature of the components of consciousness, loss of any of them, including Shadow, resulting in a deep destructive feelings. The failure of awareness Shadows expressed as ignoring their own negativity and incorrect prediction of his own actions and behavior of other people. Since the basic quality of the internal mental state is the energy of each of the different dreams is its point of application and indicates the severity of a given energy. In fact - it is the energy of instincts, caused by a finite number of hormones that your body can synthesize. At the approach to the archetypes important to consider the subject of sleep from start to finish, with each archetype will have its own territory, without invasion of the territory of the other. Constant conflict along these boundaries strengthens the character, and all the parts (the Animus, Anima, Shadow), originally differentiated in ontogeny, eventually integrated into the whole person, the core of which is the Self. The epitome of this is the style of the completed Self crystallized story fantasy or dream. In these cases there is usually a personal mythology corresponds to coloring culture. Then there is a sense of understanding and acceptance of the World. Thoughts, doubts, self-centeredness, selfishness are more related to the ego-self-centered - Self untrue, because the true Self integrates personality as a whole and has social significance. "I" in dreams and fantasies. The ego is only part of a complete Self, and his conflicts with other forces within the personality dominated in dreams. The most sustainable property ego is an exaggeration of self, as well as the absorption of all aspects of the Self. This leads to a rigid, distorted and materialist view of reality, that is, neglecting the potential and the spiritual realm. So there is egocentricity, distrust of others, poor acceptance of love. As a result of this process in the dream huge open space, perspective, and the expansion is the destructive power of the unconscious (storm, tempest). With the weakness of the ego arises obedience and self-doubt. On the other hand, the ego being the main receptive body (conscious and unconscious), that is a kind of reality tours can be in real danger. In this case, the Ego is forced to defend himself with the rigidity of failure on the part of himself, with the help of intelligent building designs. The ego is formed in childhood series of It as a result of a collision with reality. Therefore, in every one of us, there are, in fact, the effects of the influence of the surrounding, primarily parents. The system I includes physical, bodily part (self-awareness and understanding of the body), the communicative part (in relation to other people and things and ideas about the relation to me), and distance themselves part (idea of ​​the limits of his own soul or spiritual impact on other processes). Inside the structures I, as well as between these structures and formations and superego I happen balancing psychodynamic processes. Excessive development of any part of the self leads to underdevelopment of the other, that is possible to form an asynchronous (ambivalent) I, as observed in psychopathology. Extruded side of the individual, some of it never developed the capacity, the nature of the parties, which are always underestimated and often frustrated. Each has its own distinct shade, and it is almost always the worst side of the personality. There are rare exceptions to this rule, occurring in individuals whose consciousness implies that the shadow of the individual is the embodiment of the best party. A sensitive altruist, therefore, will have a brutal egocentric Shadow, a brave individual - cowardly Shadow. Awareness of Shadows - way more understanding of others, intuitive perception of relationships in groups. Shadow awareness often leads to a sense of normal instincts, visible reaction, creative impulses that are forgotten conscious. Underestimating itself implies great potential for development thanks to the Shadow. In dreams shadow appears as a figure of the same sex, but with unusual for individual actions. The dark side of ourselves can not be cut off only one ignoring. One of the most obvious ways of opening the inner qualities is obsessive hostility and emotional state (eg homosexuality, alcoholism, demonstrative) or overvalued evaluation of data quality in other people. There are many descriptions of erroneous projections of the person who destroyed the outer world war or struggle, and in the inner world of delusions or paranoia. Brad is the actual internal struggle against unconscious Shadows. Shadows in the assessment of the integration of the individual becomes most clear in the case of Jungian personality under consideration extrovert and introvert. Extroverted introvert contains sting, sting contains an introvert introvert. This becomes particularly evident when observing reactions to stress superstrong when a sensitive introvert performs a heroic act. Life is focused exclusively on the external world or wholly devoted to the domestic sphere, inevitably limits the individual and leads to many misconceptions. For an introvert personal growth is expressed as a care in the world of sunshine and trees for personal growth is an extrovert reliance on their internal capabilities, opportunities. But for both types of these strategies need to be learned and new experiences in a different strategy should not be ignored, because it broadens the horizons and enables us to understand the Other. In this case, ignoring the individual's hand, he would not only exclude themselves from other areas, but also comes to incompetence, and then even an extrovert relationship with the outside world will contribute to a false game, t. it does not take into account internal factors. Similarly, the conflict introvert with the outside world will break even its domestic tranquility, to which he spends so much energy. In dreams - the figure of the opposite sex in relation to the dreamer. It is known that young people first enter the world of love with his own idea of ​​women / men, this dream project a favorite on the face and come to a shock in the case of the large difference of their dreams with the real person. This idea is the Anima / Animus. Femina figure in the masculine man and a woman are called, respectively, the Anima and Animus; they play many other roles in the life of the individual. The assumption of the existence of these entities vocxodit to the submission of the original bisexuality, or rather germafroditichnosti Rights, which permitted the dominance of a particular sexual consciousness at the age of about five years. That is, each person can talk about the degree of contribution of male and female. This contribution can be even quantitatively determined in behavior (style of facial expressions, posture, gesture) and the Constitution (the index of sexual dimorphism). From the point of view of ethology, a number of behavioral elements of man is precisely when dealing with the opposite sex (the behavior of flirting), but even the individual elements of behavior in men and women have different shades. For example, under stress women are more likely to touch her hair and breasts, and men show warning signs of aggressive behavior. Male brain is different from a woman's brain, in particular, by the fact that women have a more developed body kalleznoe. Conflicts of Anima and Animus relations with the outside world can lead to both tension between husband and wife, and to conflicts between mother and son and t. In the future, this inner androgynous (ambivalent) potential can either be realized and understood, if ignored one of the following two results. In one case, a woman becomes hysterical emotional, and a man faithful and discreet. In another case, the lower, that is the opposite of a given sex, functions can capture the individual, and then the man is serene in his behavior to women, he has a sentimental, moodiness, instability, while the female tends to authoritarianism, guided by intellectual approval or, simply put, is a quarrelsome. Preoccupation with the consciousness of the opposite sex is often considered the norm for old age, it is often the women in old age masculinization, and men feminized. Meanwhile, the families that are experiencing a combination of data, it is relatively stable due to the mutual complement of opposites. Had to get closer to the terms of the Anima and Animus, you can see that they are a source of understanding of the opposite sex. That is, a person close to us can often understand exactly opposite to our nature, that is what we value and appreciate it. This entity may, for example, act as a hobby, which we were more interesting to talk about their work than.


The archetypes — a component of the collective unconscious, endowed with a number of characteristic features. For example, many dream perform heroic deeds. Everyone knows that a heroic act - is the result of man's perception of the ideas of goodness and self-sacrifice, the manifestation of man in the image archetypal hero-savior.