Dream » B » Bathtub

The interpretation of the dream «Bathtub»

Azar’s dream book

Good dream. To bathe in a bathtub – disposal of an illness and alarms.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

The bathtub can be a symbol of clarification and ablution. Whether there is something in you from what you need to be cleared or washed? Should you wash hands in some situation? It can also symbolize a baptism and revival.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)


East female dream book

Dirty water in a bathtub symbolizes dishonest colleagues. Warm water in a bathroom means the evil. Cold clear water promises joyful messages and a good health. For the pregnant woman a bathtub – the warning of a possible abortion.

Esoteric Dream Book

To see – cares.

Longo’s dream book

To fill a bathtub with warm water – try to think over the life, whether everything in it suits you? Most likely, after you will find opportunity to realize the creative abilities, you will feel much better. The apathy which became habitual will die forever. To take a heat, pleasant bath and to derive from it pleasure – you will meet the old friend of whom did not see long time. Communication will give both of you huge pleasure. Memories of the past will revive in you former dreams and desires, and you will feel more young. To be in a bathtub which all water gradually leaves, – you do not have enough belief in the forces. Probably, some time ago someone strongly shook it, and you believed this person. Try to look at yourself from outside – as if eyes of the person loving you, and then you will understand that it is necessary to treat himself differently. To take a bath with aromatic oils – you consider yourself as the esthete though in some situations behave far not ideally. Stop to admire yourself and try to estimate yourself is more critical, it will do you good. You lie in a bathtub, full foam, – you inexcusably seldom reflect how people around react to your words. It is worth being more careful, differently you will lose attachment of those who is dear to you.

Miller’s dream book

For the young man to dream that he (she) takes a bath – means big warm disorders because of a favourite being and even fear to lose his kind opinion on itself.

Modern dream book

For the young man (as well as for the girl) the dream in which he (or it) takes a bath, says that the body and soul ripened for love, however stops fear of public opinion. For the pregnant woman to see such dream is the warning of a possible abortion. The similar dream dreams the man to adulteries. If you take a bath with someone, you should pay attention to your environment. Perhaps, someone tries to slander you. Dirty water in a bathtub symbolizes dishonest colleagues. Warm water in a bathroom usually means the evil. Cold clear water in a bathroom promises joyful messages and a good health.

New family dream book

For young people to take a bath in a dream means big warm disorders because of darling.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

In a bathroom to be - cares, an illness, heavy works.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

The empty – disappointment, anger;