Dream » B » Battle

The interpretation of the dream «Battle»

To dream of the military is a good sign. If this is the marching infantry, then soon there will be significant events and fight for your victory main force. To dream of the battle - to scandal.

Hasse’s dream book

Dreamed battle, battle report that you will recover from illness; in the fields of business and love you will succeed and win over detractors, as well as a new profitable venture.

Ancient French dream book

Battle — this is a bad sign. Sea Battle dream for an early return to your life good luck. Battles in the dream fraught with major differences and disputes in reality. Himself participate in them - you will find the disease, the violation of the customary course of life. Who saw the dream you have to prepare yourself for the blows of fate, not to weaken the spirit of.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements — wood, water. Elements - cold, wind. Emotions - anger, fear. Organs - kidneys, liver, bladder, gall bladder. The Planets - Jupiter, Mercury. If the explanation and interpretation in an unhealthy fullness reside both at the same energy - yin and yang, the man dreams of battle. Feng Shui for Eastern philosophy and medicine is the right combination of water (yin) and wind (yang) and the correct behavior with respect to their rights - human ecology. The battle - it's unnatural for evolution and normal undistorted human psyche mass murder does not necessarily hinder the evolution of the species: the policy here does not always coincide with the normal emotions. Battles - this is the anti-feng shui - the symbol of human behavior in relation to misuse of other people and nature, a symbol of the wrong combination of yin and yang, water and wind. From a medical point of view, the normal flow of the energy of yin and yang is characterized by continuous transitions - overflowing from the surface inward, from the inside - out, bottom - up and top - down, right - left and right - to the right, etc.. If yang external energy a lot, at this point a little yin. If Yin arrives, the Jahn-decreasing. Simultaneous completeness of yin and yang is a blockage: Energy closed on themselves, as a result of not holding yin yang and yin yang does not stimulate. Excessive development of the external excitation (completeness yang) combined with the severity of fatigue and the inside (excess yin) is expressed physically as heaviness in the legs (completeness yin) in combination with chaotic movements of the hands (completeness yang); stress and back pain (completeness yang) the weakness of the abdominal (completeness yin) and the like - all this leads to physical and emotional imbalance, which tend to increase. Between the parts of the body and are responsible for them, there are areas of the brain limits obstruction of energy. Parts of the body and brain cease to act in concert: the energy is spinning inside each part separately. The result: more and more strengthening yang leads to an increasing proliferation of yin. The body is looking for a way to overcome the boundaries (complete obstruction of borders - death), and finding the positive output begins to fight with myself: some parts of the body as a battle - to breach the border to the other, fighting the yin yang, yin to yang. Exploding man loses humanity - a normal attitude towards their fellows (because they are not the same as exploding). We must not destroy or similar, or admit their mistakes. Battles dream - a symbol of the desire to own a few powerful states at the same time, with no attention to their mutually exclusive and dangerous for the owner of opposites. Dreamer is selected only the state power and domination, and excluded the possibility of even a shadow of concessions and relaxation. As a result overdeveloped states and emotions inevitably come to grips with each other and to their own detriment within the same organism (in reality within the power of collective, state and states). First, there may be a dreamer with success in business, but then followed by a deterioration of relations with people. Tangible benefits are not alone expiate. Visions of battles during sleep (especially frequent) - aggressive state of hopelessness and redevelopment into nonsense individual situation and goals of a lifetime. In the social sense, such a person loses the ability to control themselves, and sooner or later becomes dangerous uncontrolled aggression. At an early stage is necessary here: sedation, a change of scenery and a doctor's advice.


To be in or see a battle in your dream, suggests that you are overworked. You need to give yourself a break. There is a conflict between your rational thinking and your irrational impulses. Alternatively, it represents eroticism. You may be overly stimulated or you are trying to suppress your instinctual urges.

Miller’s dream book

Battle signifies striving with difficulties, but a final victory over the same. If you are defeated in battle, it denotes that bad deals made by others will mar your prospects for good.

Dream book of the Wanderer

War, battle - a possible disease; house quarrels; internal psychological conflicts.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

It usually sign of the internal conflict. If round you constantly there are fights, reconsider the emotional life and solve, whether internal fight is conducted in your soul. It can be a symbol of the suppressed emotions. Try to learn to enjoy all the emotions, including anger. All of them – part of your life. The suppressed rage can become the reason of serious mental problems. Whether you are ready to battle for the business? There are times when it is worth showing understanding and restraint, and there are times when it is necessary to begin battle. Perhaps, for you there came fight time? It can be familiar that in you there is a battle. Perhaps, this battle meanwhile how you arrive and how have to arrive, or battle between personal desires and public morals, or fight between the child and to the adult living in you? Time came to understand, in what way it is necessary to go, what way passes through your heart.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

To see the stranger or battle — it foretells anger on public.

Schiller School student’s dream book

Disposal of an illness, success in affairs and love, victory over enemies.

Henry Rommel

Hear in my sleep or scold scolding himself - is in trouble, sometimes - some big, serious conversation.If abusive the words you say, in reality hear management approval at the service.

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