Dream » B » Berry

The interpretation of the dream «Berry»

Berries — a short illness, temperature.

Crush berries to get the juice from them - to the futility of your efforts.

Miller’s dream book

Located in a clearing with an abundance of berries - improvement of the situation, the recovery;

Pick berries in a deep bowl, forgetting that they can wrinkle - your good intentions turn into disaster;

See a lot of berries, but they are still quite green - you do not need to rush ahead and rush things, it will not speed up the case, will make a muddle;

Put a big stain on the berries on your favorite costume and do not know how to withdraw it - the person who has caused you trouble, will not be punished;

And you have a windowsill at New Year ripe berries - evidence of your complacent attitude and willingness to help even the most unrealistic projects;

For men — treat a loved one with berries, but he refuses - the gap has long bothered and exhausted himself relations;

For women — the dream - the intrigue among friends loved one.

Also see. New Year, honeysuckle, elderberry, strawberry, raspberry, mulberry.

Fig means livelihood, obtained by lawful, clean, and legal. If anyone sees in a dream that I ate a berry wine - or get a thousand gold dinars, or a thousand silver dirhams coins.

If you dream that you collect garden berries, then in reality you will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Collect ripe berries means that fate will turn to you and gives you a unique chance.

There are berries - a new round of love relationships.

For a young woman's dream in which she makes jam from berries, meaning that it tends to keep his beloved that it began to grow cold.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

See - to tears; is - to the disease.

Hasse’s dream book

Berries — success in business.

Red berries - health and contentment.

Esoteric Dream Book

Picking berries — a dream that predicts that fate will be to you a very favorable. Push: If the wine or jam, then all your endeavors fate would favor, if for undefined purposes, then you are ahead of the difficulties provoked by the fact that you do not listen to your gut and do not go to meet his fate.

Modern dream book

If you dream that you gather berries, it foretells you many troubles and a lot of unpleasant moments. Eating berries - then, after some time in your life will come streak of fun, enjoyment, small pleasures, a series of pleasant moments.

Dried or immature (unripe) berries dream to the fact that you do not miss the tranquility, balance, thoughtfulness and prudence, without which it can not do when dealing with serious issues.

Wormy fruit dreams as a hint: you need to look around and calculate the person who hates you and makes you a spoke in the wheel.

I dreamed that you were selling berries - in front of you financial problems and troubles associated with them.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Eat berries mulberry. - Presage the birth of a noble son.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Berries see — is a sign of their tears have dried or boiled in sugar means earnings; but there is raw berries - portends injury and illness.

Azar’s dream book

Black Berries - to tears, red - to the delight of.


If you had a dream that you collect garden berries, then in reality you can enjoy the results of their work. Collect ripe berries means that fate will be favorable to you and will give you a unique opportunity. There are berries - to a new round of love relationships. For a young woman's dream, in which she makes jam from berries, is that it tends to keep his beloved that it began to grow cold.

Islamic dream interpretation

The wine berry is the means of life, obtained through lawful, clean and legitimate. If someone sees in a dream that ate the wine berry, - receive or a thousand pieces of gold, or a thousand silver dirham coins.

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