You have to get into a situation where you will feel angry, but you can not give it out; perhaps you unjustly scolded the class teacher, who in response simply can not express what you think of him.
Centaur's see — the nagging doubts, the desire to combine the incompatible, insurmountable rift in the shower. To speak with him - a great idea, opening. He takes you - the conventional wisdom show. Deal with it - suffer from their own judgment, not be able to live feelings. Treat it or sick to see - you will not be able to govern themselves.
Centaur — you have to get into a situation where you will feel angry, but you can not give it out; perhaps you unjustly scolded the class teacher, who in response simply can not express what you think of him.
Traditionally, the Centaur was half-man and half-beast, and this creature is associated with the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius. It signifies vision and wisdom. The symbol of a Centaur in a dream represents our ability to unite two complete opposites in an acceptable way. To have a Centaur appear in a dream demonstrates the unification of mans animal nature with his qualities of human virtue and judgement. Also consult the entry for Fabulous Beasts.
A centaur is known as part human, part horse. They might represent the following things, relating to your current or recent life experience:
Strength, especially other-worldly strength
Good will, loyalty, vigilance, stubbornness
Warrior-like qualities or other masculine ideals
Ability, follow-through, direct action to accomplish a goal or enforce a rule