Dream » H » Hump

The interpretation of the dream «Hump»

Hunchback — to see or have a hunchback's hump itself - one of the happiest dreams.

Hasse’s dream book

To see itself humpbacked – a big prize; to see others – you will benefit.

Miller’s dream book

To dream a hump, the humpback – means unexpected complications in your plans for the future.

Freud’s dream book

The dreamed hump symbolizes some physical defect which prevents you to perceive itself positively. You constantly call the external data in question and therefore behave is held down. This stiffness extends even on intimate relations and becomes frequent the reason of coldness or estrangement of you to the partner. But after all it is known long ago that in a bed all shortcomings not only are not noticed, but sometimes on wave of a magic wand turn into advantages.

Esoteric Dream Book

Grew at you – many cares of relatives.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

At itself – a big prize;

Ukrainian Dream Book

Gorby have — fun, good news; happiness to women. Humpback dream - a gain, some legacy.

Aesop’s dream book

This symbol means lameness, inferiority. Humpbacks were always considered as special people even in spite of the fact that many laughed at them. The hump was estimated differently: one considered that this punishment, seemed to another that it is a special mark of god. These opinions poured out in popular wisdom.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements – a tree, the earth.

Children's Dream Book

Hunchback - this is the happiest dream that people can see. It means that you'll get good luck in all your endeavors.

Old Russian Dream Book

At - a big win; the other - the good, the benefit; see - joy.

He grew up at you - a lot of worries about loved ones. See someone not to take on the extra concerns.

See himself hooked - a big win to see others - you will receive the benefit.

See hump, hunchback - unexpected complications in your future plans?.


See themselves hooked - a big win, to see others - will benefit.

Azar’s dream book

At itself to see a hump – to a find

Russian Dream Book

To see itself with a hump – the profit waits for you;

Esoteric Dream Book

He grew up at you - a lot of worries about loved ones. To see someone not shoulder the worry-free.

Freud’s dream book

Dreamed hump represents some physical disability that prevents you perceive yourself is positive. You are constantly exposed to the external data questioned, and therefore behave stiffly. This restraint extends even to intimate relationships, and is often the cause of coldness or aloofness from you to your partner. But long been known that in bed all the shortcomings not only seen, but sometimes magically transformed into virtues.

Miller’s dream book

To dream hump hunchback - means unexpected complications in your plans for the future.

Hasse’s dream book

To see yourself hooked - a big win; see others - will benefit.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

See themselves hooked - a big win ; see someone - get the benefit, the attainment of wealth.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

At - a big win; others - the good, the benefit, see - happiness.