Dream «Indigenous peoples»


Indigenous people might be defined as those who belong to a particular area of the Earth and have over many centuries developed their own spiritual practices in order to ensure survival. These practices often resonate in dreams. Since everybody has their own view of indigenous people, inevitably dreams will be coloured by our conscious awareness. However, as our knowledge of cultures and customs becomes greater the appearance of indigenous people in dreams take on different shades of meaning. Below are a few possible interpretations: Aborigine- dreams are the soul's journey to another world, where we can enlist the help of spirits and animals. The aboriginal can represent intuitive wisdom, because they experience their dreamtime as the past, present and future co-existing known as ?all-at-one? time. African- Africa is now thought to be where the human race began, so dreams of Africa and the Africans may refer to our own personal origins.Aztec- because of the Aztecs? emphasis on warfare, the warrior class was highly valued, and often warriors would volunteer for the most important sacrificial rituals. These were needed because they believed the gods had sacrificed themselves for mankind, that their blood had given Man life, and that the Sun was nourished with the blood of human hearts. In dreams, such a figure may signify supreme personal sacrifice. Chinese- traditionally Chinese people often followed a combination of religious beliefs, including Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Practices such as ancestor worship and meditation, together with the worship of gods and magical rituals, still take place and in dreams, as ourknowledge increases, can give rich imagery. Inca- politics and religion are forever intertwined and the gods are worshipped as forces of nature. The Sun God is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, so in dreams the figure of an Incan suggests a system where social responsibility is paramount. Inuit- the Inuit traditionally believed in a god-like power that is contained in all of Nature. The Shaman is an important figure in their belief structure, being able to converse with the spirits. In dreams, the Inuit reflect the harshness of life lived as hunters close to Nature. Japanese- many Japanese follow the Shinto religion where tradition and the family, love of nature, physical cleanliness, and Matsuri the worship and honour given to the Kami (gods) and ancestral spirits are important. The oriental woman- often appears in dreams as the epitome of feminine, gentle qualities. Maori- three important parts of Maori religion are what they call the life force, spirit (Wairua) that can be found in all people and spiritual power or prestige. This means that ancestor worship is important. The Maori stress the importance of growth and change, of working closely with nature, and will signify this in dreams. Maya - many Mayans today believe, as the original Mayans did, in the influence of the Cosmos and the need to pay homage to the gods throughrituals of many types. It is this element of ritual that will often surface in dreams today. Native America- the Sun Dance amongst the Plains Native Americans is perceived as a replay of the original Creation. Their religion is Shamanic and as more people become aware of their culture and practices, dreams will reflect the richness of their beliefs and their closeness to nature. Ceremonies such as the sweat lodge give rise to much imagery. Becoming aware of other cultures and religious practices has the effect of opening our perception to what Jung called the Collective Unconscious, a library available to all of us. From a mundane perspective, the imagery available to us then becomes useful in remaining close to natural activity and living life mindfully. Also consult the entry for Shaman for further clarification.