The rite of initiation is present in all religions and religious teachings and is the introduction to the culture and the secret knowledge that this is a cult. For example, in Christianity, baptism is a rite of passage and a first communion, in Judaism - the rite of circumcision and bar mitzvah, in Zoroastrianism - the ritual tying belt. Typically, the initiation occurs at certain established doctrine of the teachings of age and is initiated by the entry of a host belonging to that religion, or attainment of a new state (eg, a boy becoming a man). An introduction to the cult has always been in all ancient cultures mystery. This is due to the sacralization of all rites and rituals, shamans and sorcerers who, having knowledge of the ancients, were social and spiritual leaders of the primitive community. They carefully guarded their secrets from the uninitiated. The figure of the shaman and magical lore surrounding system of prohibitions, and those who dared to encroach upon the mysteries of the sacred art of the ancient sages, severely punished. In this context and meaning of the dream should be interpreted. Chances are you have recently devoted to some important secret. With this information, you can now successfully use it as involvement in what is inaccessible to others, gives you an invaluable advantage over them. In this age of information of general wins first one who has the information advantage and knows how to properly use. Only in this case, the success in your personal life and career of guaranteed. In symbolic form of involvement in the secret appears in dreams in the form of mystical rites affecting its grandeur and realism. In fact, and this dream is the result of some everyday experiences that were distorted on the long road from the unconscious into consciousness.