Bakhcha — to harvest and well-being of the farm.
Work on Bahce - to fatigue.
Dream about Bahce is considered a good omen, because he says that things in your household will go exceptionally well, it will thrive. Play a significant role in this crop, which is destined to be this year or next year, just great. Also, this is a dream predicts profit. If you had a huge melon field, which grew watermelons, pumpkins, melons and cucumbers, it means that something is pleasant and interesting to be present in your life in abundance. Dreamed that you were working on Bahce - is to fatigue.
Bakhcha, spread out in your dream on the big space, with melons, watermelons, pumpkins and cucumbers, - an abundance of something interesting and pleasant.
The success of the farm.
Melon field – you will reap a crop
Success of the farm.
Melons, watermelons, pumpkins on the plantation spread out in front of you - a dream to an abundance of something interesting and pleasant, the success of the farm profits.