Receive in a dream hearing from relatives living far means that the make a wish come true.
Play in a dream the latest news on the radio or see on TV - in reality to get a letter telling you that all is well and you no longer have to worry about.
To receive – pleasant news.
To hear good news in your dream, signifies that you will be fortunate in your endeavors and will have many harmonious companions. The contrary is true if you dream of hearing bad news.
To hear good news in a dream, denotes that you will be fortunate in affairs, and have harmonious companions; but if the news be bad, contrary conditions will exist.
To transfer news - grief.
To hear the good news in a dream - portends good luck in business and friendly disposition companions; not if the news is bad, the circumstances of your life are unfavorable.
Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about news
If you dream you hear the good news, then in reality you are lucky in business. If the news is bad, you expect all sorts of trouble.
To hear the news:a) to receive new information;b) make new friends in the future is very important for you;c) meet an old friend.According of interpreters, there are two options, the value of good and bad news:a) good news portend good luck in business, success, support of partners; bad - unfavorable circumstances;b) the better the news, the worse omen.Share news - to seek support and protection.
To hear the good news in a dream - portends good luck in business and friendly disposition companions; not if the news is bad, the circumstances of your life are unfavorable.
Learn - a letter from far away.
Found — a letter from afar.
The better news in his sleep, the worse omen.