Dream » O » Oyster

The interpretation of the dream «Oyster»

Oysters — you will cover the excitement and passion for the game, try not to go beyond the limits.

There are oysters in a dream - arrogance and aggressiveness is not always successful methods to achieve their goals.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Power-protected. Hidden beauty; beauty that develops away from prying eyes.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Oyster can be a symbol of the hidden beauty or beauty, growing gradually. Since the pearl in the oyster growing. Pearl begins to form when the oysters in the shell gets a grain of sand. Grain of sand in the oyster coats the calcium carbonate to protect themselves from the sharp edges of the grains of sand. This sign may symbolize that even minor irritants can be transformed into beautiful things. Oyster can be vaginal sex symbol. Rock back may indicate a big change in life. It means to take a risk and go to where there are no guarantees of safety. Get ready to leap of faith. Believe that your life is directed. Utes may indicate a critical period of your life. Bluff - end of the road. Time to Decide.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

If you dream you are eating oysters, your dream means that after many conflicts and bereavements you achieve wealth and independence; people waiting for family lasting happiness in love will patiently seek fulfillment of their desires.

Hasse’s dream book

Eat — mental heaviness; empty shells - unsatisfied desire.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Eat — emotional severity; empty shells - unsatisfied desire.


The oyster represents spiritual transformation. In nature it is almost unique because of its ability to transform a grain of sand into a pearl. It is this quality that tends to be brought to notice in dreams to demonstrate how we can change an irritant into something beautiful. We can spiritualize it. The oyster symbolizes our ability to make use of difficulty and negativity and create a new positive focus. In dealing with an irritant we are able to protect ourselves from further harm. Practically, the oyster is reputed to be an aphrodisiac food; in fact, this is because of its high zinc content, which affects the production of semen. For this reason a dream about oysters may be highlighting fertility issues. In dreams, as nowadays they can be expensive, they may well also represent the act of seduction. In a woman's dream oysters may signify seduction, but can also suggest sacrifice. Hypatia, an Alexandrian mathematician and philosopher, was flayed to death by Christians using oyster shells in 415 CE for her beliefs. In a man's dream, oysters themselves may symbolize his own sexuality. You might also like to consult the entries for Food, Sacrifices and Sand.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Oysters and mussels. Female genitals.

Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing is — to an exotic journey.

Freud’s dream book

In the dream there oysters - you will be very interesting, and in some the sense of an exciting evening. You will be passionate about their companion and badly want to continue dating, but your new friend disappears for an indefinite period.


If you see in a dream that eat oysters - which means that you move all the boundaries of morality in search of low-lying and indulging in the pleasures of passion for the game. there or see the oysters - a sign that you show boldness in the methods of conquest or lover luck. To dream of oyster shell - is the futility of your efforts to support others on the path to success. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about oyster

If you had a dream that you eat oysters, in real life you are risking to bet on false values. Trading oysters means you is not always picky the choice of means to an end. If you dream you are considering oysters, then in reality you expect a comfortable life and many children.

Miller’s dream book

If you see in a dream that eat oysters - which means that you move all the boundaries of morality in search of low-lying and indulging in the pleasures of passion for the game. There are oysters or see - a sign that you show boldness in the methods of conquest or lover luck. To dream of oyster shell - is the futility of your efforts to support others on the path to success.