Dream » P » Paper

Dream «Paper»

Paper matter — the joy, praise.


There is potential for Spiritual growth through both learning and creativity. A parchment scroll suggests acknowledgement of in-depth study or ancient knowledge. Blank writing paper points to a lack of communication, or need to communicate with someone, but can also suggest a new beginning. Brown paper can highlight the utilitarian side of our nature. Old-fashioned parchment scrolls (which were originally made from animal skins) would suggest longlasting information. Paper is one of those images that, in dreams, are dependent on the circumstances in the dreamer's life. For instance, in a student's life, paper would suggest the need to pay attention to the studies, whereas festive wrapping paper could indicate the need for, or the possibility of, celebration. The art of making paper or creating parchment indicates a highly skilled individual. You may also like to consult the entry for Page.

Hasse’s dream book

To see blank white paper in your dream signifies your desire to make a fresh start in your life. Alternatively, this dream may represent your desire to express yourself through writing or art. To see a stack of papers in your dream suggests you are coping with the stress of too many responsibilities in your life. If you dream of ripping or crumpling up paper, you may have angry feelings about a love interest or family member. This dream also suggests you are fearful of the opinions of your peers.

Miller’s dream book

If you have occasion in your dreams to refer to, or handle, any paper or parchment, you will be threatened with losses.

They are likely to be in the nature of a lawsuit.

For a young woman, it means that she will be angry with her lover and that she fears the opinion of acquaintances.

Beware, if you are married, of disagreements in the precincts of the home.

Aesop’s dream book

Most likely, paper appeared in your dream in connection with expressions: "Paper does not redden" or "Paper suffers everything".

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

Paper or parchment in a dream means that you will get to trouble: perhaps, you will be accused of some crime and, achieving a justification, you will spend a lot of money and sincere forces. the clean sheet of paper talks in sleep about sincerity of feelings of your friend or beloved which will soon warm your heart.

Azar’s dream book

Paper white – an illness, a justification

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Five-color paper. – Speaks about big addition of wealth.

Dream book of the Maya

Good value

If the sheet of paper is rumpled — it to arrival of money, can be both return of a debt, and a gift or a salary. That money came, dig a wine bottle near an entrance to the house somewhat quicker when come, can dig out and drink it).

East female dream book

Important papers dream to judicial proceedings. The similar dream warns the young woman: the beloved the behavior will cause her discontent.

Hasse’s dream book

To see black – evil messages. With the printed text – before you will fawn and render honor; the sketched – disappointment; the used up – prosecution; to pull – separation; to tear – to fall into anger; to see a white paper – efforts; to write – expect unpleasant letters; the torn – to lose some rights; flying in air – swaying of hopes; to see how do paper – with benefit you use data; the white – your innocence will become obvious. Color – good news.

Miller’s dream book

If in a dream it happened to you to send or at least to hold in hand paper (or parchment) is a sign of that you are threatened by losses. In real life they probably will be shown in the form of trial.

Modern dream book

If dreamed you that you deal with some important documents, in reality you will be involved in certain judicial proceedings. The similar dream means for the young woman that the beloved will cause her discontent with the behavior.

New family dream book

Paper dreams to losses. Trial is possible.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

To see paper - news.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

To write – false slanders;


If you dream you happen to send or at least to keep in the hands of paper (or parchment) - it is a sign that you are in danger of losing. In real life, they are likely to show up in the form of legal process. young woman it portends a quarrel with her lover. Beware if you are married, quarrels in the vicinity of your home. This dream can mean the emergence of rumors around your name.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream you happen to send or at least to keep in the hands of paper (or parchment) - it is a sign that you are in danger of losing. In real life, they likely to manifest in the form of legal process. The young woman it portends a quarrel with her lover. Beware if you are married, quarrels in the vicinity of your home. This dream can mean the emergence of rumors around your name.

Modern dream book

Useless labor and sorrow.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Write - false slander, break or put a blot - improvement matters.

Ukrainian Dream Book

Tidies paper — hard work, be, recoiling, rolling - trouble; sell it - profit.

Dream Interpretation sneaking Velez

Acup to drink water with paper - have a lot of write, you may have to give information about someone.