Dream » S » Stilts

The interpretation of the dream «Stilts»

Stilts — a reflection of the weakness of the position. The reflection of the desire to rise unreasonably.

Dream book of Vanga

If you dream you walk on stilts, this means that you are in danger of losing his legs, probably as a result of an accident, an accident. A dream in which you are invited to walk on stilts, and you refuse, predicts that you will miraculously avoid danger, you will be shocked, thinking about the possible consequences of the accident in which you reach by accident.

Freud’s dream book

In the dream, walking on stilts - for some reason, you think you are deprived of sexual talents, but in fact it does not, and those who had contact with you, see you as a very affectionate and gentle in bed. If the sleep you fell from stilts, then pretty soon you will lose something very precious.

Longo’s dream book

If you dream you walked on stilts, it gives your desire to achieve a higher position than what you have available at the moment. The desire for career growth can not be considered shameful, but the question here in the methods and tools that you want to use. Deciding "scheme against" the current leaders, you can achieve the desired. Only here you will honor it does not do so, but also, in like manner, and then may come to you.

If you dream your feeble efforts to take the stilts have not met with much success, it means that your career in danger of being ruined at this stage. Higher authorities do not see you as an optimal candidate for a prestigious place, and the reason for that - in the absence of your character qualities necessary leaders. Of course, such a turn of events would upset you, but you do not take offense at anyone - with the exception that on himself. If you really want so much to manage people, you must first nurture and develop in himself all the qualities needed and then build the ambitious plans.

Fell with stilts - soon parted with his "cushy", and to prevent this event can not nobody. It's hard to say, because of what happens your fall - perhaps due to the intrigue, perhaps you yourself will be guilty. Whatever it was, not lamenting the fate of the villain, just extract the lessons to the future to behave correctly.

On stilts someone to help you climb - your loved ones will contribute to career development. It will be good if you will cope with new responsibilities: never bring its patrons will hold themselves more confident, you will see a lot more prospects. But if, in spite of the help you sleep and have not managed to stay on stilts, then move the their real mates and themselves put an end to their future career. Therefore apply as much effort and diligence, but if it comes a clear understanding that the new position you are obviously not too tough, go for yourself, not allowing his disgraceful fall in front of a delighted crowd.

Helped themselves to an individual stand on stilts - will be helping a loved one get a job or grow in office. Dream warns: taking responsibility for the other (even though it is a very close friend), be mentally prepared for a situation where your protégé can not cope and thus let you down.

Esoteric Dream Book

The man on the X - unjustified overstating capacity and capabilities that can lead to scandal. Not sycophants and flatterers believe it. H. You yourself - your self-esteem is inflated, causing your pride is hurt, especially if you fall in sleep with X.

Ancient French dream book

If you dreamed of stilts - this means that you can happily avoid all the dangers that lie in wait for you.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements — wood, earth, water. Elements - wind, humidity, cold. Emotions - fear, anger, anxiety. Organs - bladder, gall bladder, stomach, kidney, spleen, liver,. The planets - Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation of the legs belong to the earth, as the roots of human. Like the tree roots, they keep and nourish the entire body and allow a person to act (there is a complete analogy with the tree: the roots - the legs, the branches - arms, trunk - the spine). Change sense of its own growth in the dream, it is associated with the extension of the legs (they are perceived as stilts), has caused the loss of his physical and psychological stability (open the trunk with the feeder roots), the state of imbalance and inadequate assessment of what is happening: one gets used to its growth and perceives the world from a different point. A sudden change in the size and value changes the speed of perception, not allowing the judgment has. Walk on stilts in a dream, to stand on them - blockage of qi (life force) in the yin and yang meridians passing through the legs. Standing on stilts (walk) in a dream, this is the beginning of the disease. Feeling separation of the body, the removal of parts from one another - a consequence of the perception of the breakdown in communication channels, loss of control and co-ordination and communication between the internal processes. The resulting fear and anger at himself does not allow a realistic assessment of the changes taking place. The instability of the state will lead to the commission of inappropriate behavior and decision-making unreasonable. Sleep is unfavorable, it may be a consequence of the violation of personal relationships at work and speedy development of the disease state. Elongated arm in a dream - is similar to walking on stilts negative interpretation. Only instead of the meridians on the feet will be in breach of passing from hand to hand yin-and-yang meridians: the heart and the pericardium (pericardial), lung, colon and small intestine, three heater.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of walking on stilts, denotes that your fortune is in an insecure condition. To fall from them, or feel them break beneath you, you will be precipitated into embarrassments by trusting your affairs to the care of others.


To dream that you are walking on stilts, indicates that you are feeling insecure. A situation or relationship is unstable. You are doing your best trying to balance various aspects of your life.

To dream that you fall off a pair of stilts, suggests that you should not put your trust in one person.


The man on the X - unjustified overstating capacity and capabilities that can lead to scandals. Do not believe the sycophants and flatterers. You yourself H. - your self-esteem is inflated, causing your pride is hurt especially if you fall in sleep with X.


A higher perspective or clearer insight, or a desire for these

Superiority, or an effort to compensate for a feeling of inferiority

Mentally or emotionally distant

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