If you had a character that has the form of signs or pentacles, and its meaning was clear, then you should seriously think about its content. If the character was not clear, the dream suggests that there are areas of your life that you are not seen, while requiring the greatest attention. If you drew a symbol in a dream, keep in mind that the decision to occupy the tasks you to "hide" in the symbols, signs, tips. Symbol seen in the sky, glowing - the dream suggests that you will have a wonderful chance to make the discovery of world-class, or play the role of the founder of the new doctrine.
The origin of the elementary graphic symbols is brought out of a body (number of extremities, openings, fingers etc.), psychopathological experiences (elementary visual hallucinations at the changed consciousness - fotopsiya) and visualization as a result of pressing on eyeballs at the closed eyes, and also changes of a background at the closed eyes. Elementary endogenous (entropichesky) images arise also at reception of hallucinogens. They are fixed in tattoos, the most ancient tags of territories. The elementary symbols also arise both in a dream, and in a gipnagogichesky state before falling asleep. Images of entropichesky imaginations are shown in abstract art and modern design (see Figures).
To see an unknown symbol in your dream, indicates your ambivalence, confusion, or ignorance in a situation. Consider what the symbol resembles for additional significance.
The quality or meaning associated with it by you or by cultural traditions
A quality associated with the shape of the symbol (for example, the roundness of a circle representing femininity)
A specific quality, person, place, setting, activity, etc.
A desire for information, clarification, or understanding of something
Consider what first comes to mind when you think of the particular symbol, and your feelings about it.