Dream » T » Toilet

The interpretation of the dream «Toilet»


Spiritually, a toilet suggests that we have the means at our disposal to cleanse away negativity we have taken in. Something wrong with the toilet could suggest that we are emotionally blocked. If it is overflowing, the blockage is causing a difficulty in controlling our emotions at the present time. Going to an unfamiliar toilet suggests we are in a position where we do not know what the outcome to a situation will be. Cleaning a dirty toilet suggests we are losing our ?prudish? attitude, and may have gone through some kind of internal epiphany. For many people the toilet has in dreams been until recently a symbol for dirt and lack of appreciation. There has also been the inevitable association with sexuality. Nowadays the symbolism is much more to do with notions of privacy, and the ability to reach a state where we can release our feelings in private. In both men's and women's dreams, toilet dreams can often be about self-worth and clearing childish confusion. You might also like to consult the entries for Clean/Clear and Dirty as well as the information for Bathroom in House.

Hasse’s dream book

To see a toilet in your dream means you need to release your emotions or get rid of something in your life that is useless. To dream that you are watched while you are using the toilet signifies your frustrations about not getting enough privacy. It may also indicate that you are having difficulties letting go of old emotions.

Dream book of Vanga

Overcoming you: Your emotions about to become out of control regarding circumstances in life. Dodging it: You are maintain emotional control while facing your stressful situation.

Esoteric Dream Book

The new buy - what you take to be new, in fact, many times it was used. Your discoveries will not revelations to others. Old wash - the services that you will have to provide. Care of patients or babies. Very dirty - you would have disgusted, possibly by removing the sick. Such punishment is given to you, most likely for your pride.


If you had a dream that you're sitting on the toilet reading the newspaper, means that your life is finally the long-awaited period of peace and prosperity, when you can forget about problems. A dream in which you are in a certain chic room, which in the end turns out to be an ordinary toilet, warns that you are too prone to believe in unrealistic projects. However, it is this faith sometimes is the force that drives you to success. To dream of an old crumbling hut, which should be the toilet, meaning that you have to overcome some of the difficulties to be milked success.

Hasse’s dream book

Do - will be respected.

Modern dream book


Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Assignation, attend — will be respected man.

Ukrainian Dream Book

If you dream that you go to the toilet, - a new love. Toilet - trouble falling into it - get the money, gold.


Getting rid of things, especially things that are used up, that are no longer needed, that have gone bad or are toxic. Examples might include outdated or toxic thoughts, emotions, judgments, beliefs, people or relationships. An overflowing toilet (a toilet that will not flush) can represent a problem getting rid of the things described above—perhaps an unwillingness to let go of toxic or outdated aspects of your life, which are now polluting your mind, body, or life. Something you value getting flushed down the toilet can mean that you feel that you've lost something, or that you let something go that you believe you should have held onto in your life.