Travel in time is a widespread event in a dream. At it seldom there is a time machine. More likely, action in a dream is simply developed in other temporary era, in the past or the future. Such dreams often represent or romantic episodes which we tested in the past, or hopes which we expect to realize in the future. You can find out that such dream is generated by your desire to identify itself; with people of certain customs of some temporary period or to have impact on certain events. If you spontaneously dream of movement on the river of time back, most likely, it is a dream about romantic VOLEISPOLNENII. It seems that "old kind time" creates the images full of heroism, nobility, moral in imagination, and in general life which causes your admiration, though not quite is true. Sometimes you feel that your PERSONALITY has such sides which could be inherent in the pioneer, the statesman or any other stereotypic image in the history. In most cases travel in time is rigidly connected with a certain archetype of the acting character of a dream. For example, if you dream the HERO’S soldier/ARCHETYPE, in a dream you can identify yourself with the medieval knight.