Hear in a dream unpleasant truth about themselves - to great doubt about the upcoming selection chosen. If your address is in utter charges, which do not correspond to the truth, - in reality relieved at the news of the successful outcome of the operation is in the hospital a loved one.
Speak a word of truth in defense of the maligned people herald the approach of the problems that, however, does not put you out of balance and do not frighten.
Dream in which you are forced to speak the truth, as you would not want to do this - to a severe test to a successful end.
Hearing — force him to confess, to say - fear.
A spiritual truth is seldom provable but is one that has been given credence through belief over time or through subjective observation. It is something that, for most people, they ?just know?. In dreams such intuition is valid. Trust is belief in such truth. Perceived truth in dreams is a reality which works within the context of the dream. We believe it to be true at the time. In the mundane world we have to learn to trust our own truth. In dreams we will often receive information that helps us to verify or not our own appraisal of a situation.
Hearing - force him to confess, to say - fear.
Hear — force him to confess, to say - fear.