Dream » W » Whale

The interpretation of the dream «Whale»


To see a whale in your dream, represents your intuition and awareness. You are in tuned to your sense of spirituality. Alternatively, it indicates a relationship or business project that is too enormous to handle. You may be feeling overwhelmed. The dream may also be a pun on "wailing" and a desire to cry out about something.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of seeing a whale approaching a ship, denotes that you will have a struggle between duties, and will be threatened with loss of property. If the whale is demolished, you will happily decide between right and inclination, and will encounter pleasing successes. If you see a whale overturn a ship, you will be thrown into a whirlpool of disasters.

Ancient French dream book

To dream about a whale in the sea – the dream promising you the unexpected help. The whale cast ashore is a sign of the close misfortune threatening to you.

Dream book of the Maya

Good value

If the whale dreamed you ashore, prepare for a bright and unusual event in the life. That this event happened, dig on the coast (the seas, lakes, the rivers) a lock of the hair quicker.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Whales use sonars for orientation in the habitat. The whale can be a symbol of a susceptibility and intuition. Use intuition and be adjusted on various situations. This sign advises you to connect to the instincts, creative intuition and a susceptibility,

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Significant symbol.

Miller’s dream book

To dream as the whale comes nearer to the vessel, means fight which will capture your soul soon. You will rush about between a debt and duties, being afraid at the same time to lose the property.

Modern dream book

If dreamed you that you float by the ship and the huge whale comes nearer to you, in reality you charge yourself with too many duties because of what risk not to manage to make the most important. If in a dream the whale faced the ship because of what there was a ship-wreck, in reality the destiny prepared for you a great deal of trouble.

New family dream book

The dream in which the whale comes nearer to the vessel, means fight in soul: you will rush about between a debt and duties, being afraid at the same time to lose the property.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

To see a whale - wellbeing.


To dream, like a whale approaching vessel, means a struggle that will soon embrace your soul. You will rush between the duty and responsibility, fear at the same time losing their property. If the whale is killed - so, you will make the right choice between the right and their aspirations and achieve success, bringing great satisfaction and pleasure. If you see the whale is attacking the ship and flips it, you will find the whirlpool of misery and disasters. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about whale

If you had a dream that you sail on the ship and you are approached by a huge whale, the in reality you take on too many responsibilities, which is why risk not to have time to do the most important thing. If you dream whale collided with the vehicle, because of what happened a shipwreck, then in reality the fate in store for you a lot of trouble.

Henry Rommel

If the whale playing in the waves, sails freely, and you see it or catch - the dream promises fun and profitable acquisition.If whaling and the whale swam up to the boat, to be spiritual struggle (your interests are intertwined with the need to perform the duty).See the whale killed and raised on the deck - to success, you will be able to reconcile their desires and capabilities.If the whale turned the ship - front serious accident in the affairs or in nature.

Miller’s dream book

To dream, like a whale approaching vessel, means a struggle that will soon embrace your soul. You rush between the duty and responsibility, fear at the same time losing their property. If the whale is killed - so, you will make the right choice between the right and their aspirations and achieve success, bringing great satisfaction and pleasure. If you see the whale is attacking the ship and flips it, you will find the whirlpool of misfortunes and disasters.


Ancient, grand, wisdom, intuition, or the subconscious. Authentic personal power, integrity, or good will. Dreaming of this animal can represent:

Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way

Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this

Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.)

For more clues, pay attention to what the animal was doing or any particular characteristic that stood out.