Characteristics of health Scorpio

Scorpio gives a strong body, a lot of vitality (control of Mars and Pluto), but can be bloated complexion. Can be diseases of the genital organs and the anus. Typical disorders of inflammatory nature, affecting the throat, heart and excretory system. Typical and diseases such as hemorrhoids, sexually transmitted disorders, urinary. Can be frequent infectious diseases, alcoholism. Very good regenerative ability, sometimes literally & laquo; reborn from the ashes & raquo; Like a phoenix. Very well understand the psychological state of the other, because they themselves do not just suffer from depression or grieved different events of his life. Should pay attention to the fact that there were no locks, pay attention to the kidneys and bladder. Scorpions can not feel the needs of their body (Moon in the fall). Scorpio & ndash; very sexy sign, so parents should pay attention that the sexual development of small skorpionchiki starts early, try to explain gender relations in a simple and accessible way. Scorpio hard to stick to a diet (Saturn in enmity). Scorpio often poisonous plants and their use for therapeutic purposes is severely limited and dangerous because of toxicity, but some plants Scorpio successfully used to treat cancer, infectious diseases. For example, this: Icelandic moss, mistletoe, some cacti and mushrooms, aspen, fern
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