Dream » B » Black

The interpretation of the dream «Black»

Sadness, mourning, death.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Sadness, grief, bad luck.

Modern dream book

If you dream you see a black curly hair, it is a symbol of flirtation and seduction. If they dream of a young woman, she may be the victim of a love affair. If a man had a dream that he had such a head of hair, then he will bring to mind a lot of women. If you see yourself in a dream and the other in black robes, then be prepared for arguments, disappointments and machinations of rivals. If a young woman dreams that she sees herself in transparent black robes, it is a sign of sorrow and disappointment. A dream in which you see your parents, dressed in black, means that you will face serious disappointment. See the letter with a black border - signs of trouble and misery with someone close. If you dream that you have received a letter written on black paper with white ink, then of bitter disappointments you will save only the support of friends. Black swan symbolizes the desire to taste the fruit of the forbidden tree. Black feathers dream to disappointments and failures in love. A dream in which you grind black pepper, means that you need to be very careful not to fall into the enemy apart network. If you dream you write or draw with chalk on a blackboard, you do not have to rely on luck.

Hasse’s dream book

The sadness.


Black symbolizes the unknown, unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, hate or malice.

If the feeling in the dream is one of joy, blackness could imply hidden spirituality and divine qualities.

To dream in black and white, suggests that you need to be more objective in formulating your decisions. You may be a little too unyielding in your thought process and thus need to find some sort of balance between two opposing views. Consider the views and opinions of others. Alternatively, black and white dreams is a sign of depression or sadness. You may feel that there is not enough excitement in your life.

Dream book of the Wanderer

The Arab, the Black - draft work, humiliation; the bad personality in an environment; own dark double.

Schiller School student’s dream book

Success in affairs and promotion.

Dream book of lovers

If you saw a dream soot means you will not escape the scandal with his chosen one.

Esoteric Dream Book

Apile — to prosperity, money Stocks. shovel, pour - to gifts, inheritance. is stained with soot - to glory, prizes, bringing the money.

Freud’s dream book

Write in a dream ink - this dream means that in the next few days you will be just fabulous to drive, do not miss your chance. Be prepared for the unexpected turn of events that promise you a profit. If you dream you wrote and accidentally put ink blot on some important papers, it means a date on which you are going to go, and you will be broken on this occasion will experience. Spilling ink - a quarrel and strong scandals that happen because of some trifle.


If you dream you see black curly hair, it is a symbol of flirtation and seduction. If they dream of a young woman, she may become a victim of a love affair. But if a man had a dream that he had such a head of hair , it will bring to mind a lot of women. If you dream of self and others in black robes, then be prepared for arguments, disappointments and intrigues of the competition. If a young woman dreams that she sees herself in transparent black robes, it is a sign of sorrow and frustration. A dream in which you see your parents, dressed in black, meaning that you are waiting for serious disappointment. See letter with black border - signs of trouble and unhappiness with someone from the family. If you had a dream that you have received a letter, written in black paper with white ink, then by bitter disappointments you save only the support of friends. Black swan symbolizes the desire to partake of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Black feathers dream to frustration and failure in love. A dream in which you grind black pepper means that you need be very careful not to fall into the enemies apart setiEsli dream you write or draw with chalk on the blackboard, you do not have to rely on luck.

Henry Rommel

Things in black, all in black tsvevete - a sign of sadness, grief, bad luck.Wear a black dress - to mourning.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream you see someone's clothes stained with ink - the reality envious cost you dishonest. A young woman who saw in a dream ink will slandered opponent. To dream my fingers stained with ink, it means that you will be severely jealous as long as the best quality of your natures prevail. If the red ink - you face serious trouble. If you dilute the ink in a dream - you will be drawn into the lower case. What I saw in a dream promises a bottle of ink and detractors failure in affairs.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot


Dream Interpretation sneaking Velez

To wash the soot - to restore its credibility after the slander against you, the longer you wash, the longer suffer from slander.


The color black can represent grief, solemnity, formality or authority, basic or conservative, night or darkness, hopelessness, or depression.