Dream » B » Books

Dream «Books»

Son of books - good sleep, promising future harmony in your life. Bookshelves, a married woman had a dream, promise to her son, who achieve great intellectual heights and bring glory to your name. Girl like a dream predicts pundit.

If you dream you've read the book - you will find fame. If you close an uninteresting book and puts it - in reality be prepared for unpleasant encounters and difficult duties. If you are presented with a book - a long-awaited love will knock on your heart.

To dream of the book - to receive waking profit. Sleep may portend a variety of fun events.

Pleasant aspirations, class, honor, respect and wealth - that's what it means to dream that you are considering, or read a book. For an author to dream that his works are in print - a dream is a warning: it will have a lot of trouble in the way of his books to the reader. To dream that you spend a lot of time and effort to discover the hidden meaning of the texts learned authors, is a sign of honors and awards earned by you long hard. See the children for books talks about the future approval and good behavior of young people. To dream of old books - warning beware of evil in any form.

If you dream you are reading the book, then in reality you're assured of glory, honor and respect. So too is the dream in which you are wondering about the meaning of reading.

For an author to dream of his work published means that the path of his book to the reader is not going to be easy.

A dream in which you see the children reading, means that young people with whom you have to communicate, will be worthy representatives of their generation.

To dream of old books means that you should beware of evil in all its forms.

Bookcase filled with books, symbolizes that your work and leisure will be associated with the acquisition of knowledge.

Empty bookshelves foreshadow the plight of the lack of livelihood or job loss.

If you dream that you are in a bookstore, you are destined to test the effect of inspiration.

Ancient French dream book

To dream books – to receiving in reality arrived. The dream can foretell cheerful various events.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Books – a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, and also vital lessons.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

Dream about books – the good dream promising future harmony in your life. The shelves with books which dreamed the married woman promise it the son who will reach big intellectual heights and will glorify the name. To the girl the similar dream predicts the man of science.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Pleasant aspirations, class, honor, respect and wealth - that's what it means to dream that you are considering, or read a book. For an author to dream that his works are in print - a dream is a warning: it will have a lot of trouble in the way of his books to the reader.

To dream that you spend a lot of time and effort to discover the hidden meaning of the texts learned authors, is a sign of honors and awards earned by you long hard.

See books for children says about the future of harmony and good behavior of young people.

To dream of old books - warning beware of evil in any form.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream you are reading the book, it promises you the respect of a loved one, but the old books portend evil emanating from the beloved.

Miller’s dream book

Pleasant aspirations, class, honor, respect and wealth - that's what it means to dream that you are considering, or read a book. For an author to dream that his works are in print - a dream is a warning: it will have a lot of trouble in the way of his books to the reader. To dream that you spend a lot of time and effort to discover the hidden meaning of the texts learned authors, is a sign of honors and awards earned by you long hard. See the children for books talks about the future approval and good behavior of young people. To dream of old books - warning beware of evil in any form.


To see books in your dream, indicates calmness. You are moving toward your goals at a slow and steady pace. Books also symbolize knowledge, intellect, information and wisdom. Consider the type of book for additional clues. The dream may represent your calling into a specific field of work or an area that you need to devote more study to.

To see dusty books in your dream, denotes forgotten knowledge or previous "chapters" of your life.

To see children*s books in your dream, symbolize memories from your own childhood. It may also suggest your desire to escape from reality and retreat into some fantasy world.

To see a satanic book in your dream, represents your one-sided way of thinking and looking at things. You are trying to denounce any responsibility in your actions and are putting forth as little effort as possible.

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