Dream » D » Devilry

The interpretation of the dream «Devilry»

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements — earth, metal, water, wood. Elements - moisture, dryness, cold, wind. Emotions - doubt, sadness, fear, anger. Organs - the spleen, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach, bladder, gall bladder. The planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. The image of evil forces - one of the most ancient archetypes of human thinking. The notion of evil spirits and formed with similar symbols amulet / idol / talisman, but with a different character: an amulet to protect people from the forces of nature, and the devil is trying to destroy it. Natural phenomena people for a better view of the dangers attached their traits: If a man will acquire the branches and moss, you get a devil - a being intermediate between the personified element tree forests and human. The strength of these mutants was unclear: Where it? Her and called unclean. Over time, the archetype of the evil power of thought there was a similar sense of substitution with an amulet (see. Amulet) the person has a need to protect themselves from evil thoughts and deeds of others, than from natural events. And strange, but successful actions of the enemies were attributed by evil forces. In the East believe that the body properly buried ancestors long supply power to the descendants, and the family is thriving. Wrong, not with love committed burial absorb energy in yourself and the family extinguished. The laws of the circulation of energy between Heaven and Earth are the same in the East and the West: the incorrect disposal prevent descendants live. We add here the sick, weakened disordered imagination of man, and the creation of a non-existent emotional picture of reality will be full. The main trouble is that once emotionally created things are seeking a real look - incarnate. The situation is similar to the fact that the non-real emotional intemperance leads to serious and real physical illnesses. Evil spirits do exist: like an evil invisible force sucked out of people's health irritation, anger, misplaced anger, and the like. According to the physical law of the transition of all energy in the different quality of our maladaptive emotions back to us as strangers destructive emotions. In folklore, the sacred texts in the literature of all peoples have repeatedly mentioned that the devil has no power over the innocent and pure soul: it is for the pure spirit does not exist. To get under the power of evil, the devil's power, must ever lie, annoyed, have a fright. The circle is closed: we are back to distort the human psyche immoderate emotions. Evil spirits dreams (witch, vampire, devil, others ugrozhayuische life monsters) - outward vision pathology internal state, where there are blocks of stagnation and yin energy. Evil spirits in his sleep with fear to see (a witch, and so on) - in the form of evil spirits in a dream manifested internal energy blocks and hidden from itself depression. We can say that the dreamer himself appeared before him in the form of evil spirits conjured up by himself or the situation around him caused such a way. Son speaks of serious violations of the liver, spleen and kidneys: the organs are overloaded disturbing pathological yin energy, not to find a way out of action, which is not surprising, since all the plans and intentions of the dreamer has long been inadequate to the reality. Terrifying dreams probably accompanied the collapse of affairs and relationships. There is a dire necessity to pay attention to their psycho-emotional sphere, to try to understand what is happening as the law of their own actions and to temper their ambitions and emotions. Evil spirits in a dream to see the fear in the cemetery (it is a dream) or in the form of dead relatives - a dream means that the cause of leaks and distortion of energy rhythms is just a graveyard. Burials are made incorrectly or any obligations to the deceased are not met, perhaps not by the dreamer, but the overall relatives. And time to remedy the situation should not be sorry. And it is urgent: the dream shows that already have suffered kidney / left kidney /. To see the evil spirits in a dream and not be frightened-favorable: there have been power leakage has been repaired by the body because of some spiritual work carried out by the dreamer. This dream can also mean another's malevolence, but it has gone by, since the dreamer did not have similar negative emotions, not for what turned out to catch. But it is necessary to slow down the pace a little bit forward and take a closer look closely at the surrounding.