Dream » D » Devil

The interpretation of the dream «Devil»

Hasse’s dream book

To see – you will undergo a temptation; to speak with it – false people will deceive you.


The Devil tends to be seen as the personification of Evil, or Lucifer, who, incidentally, was originally supposed to bring enlightenment to the world. It does need to be borne in mind, however, that the Devil also represents the Ego, or part of us that refuses to 'return to the light'. n In order to deal with the out-of-control side of ourselves, we often need to have an object or image to confront. In dreams, as in fantasies, the Devil allows us to do this. If we fear our own wrongdoing, that fear can also manifest as the Devil. In previous times, the figure of the Devil was one to be feared and hated. Our wilder, more instinctive side will often appear in dreams as the conventional figure with horns and a tail. Once it is understood as something to be confronted, as something belonging to all of us, the Devil loses its potency. The Devil as Satan used to appear with some frequency in both mens and womens dreams. Now the image is more likely to be that of one of the Nature Gods such as Pan, and represents basic instincts and urges. You may also wish to consult the entries for Demon, Fiend and Imp.

Freud’s dream book

To dream of seeing a devil tormented and tortured signifies that the dreamer is in immediate danger of being punished by the law. If you dream of striking the devil and overpowering him, it is a sign that you will overcome your enemies to your satisfaction. To meet the devil on friendly terms augurs death, melancholia, anger, disagreements, or sudden illness. To dream that the devil speaks to you signifies that you will have great temptation.

Miller’s dream book

For farmers to dream of the devil, denotes blasted crops and death among stock, also family sickness. Sporting people should heed this dream as a warning to be careful of their affairs, as they are likely to venture beyond the laws of their State. For a preacher, this dream is undeniable proof that he is over-zealous, and should forebear worshiping God by tongue-lashing his neighbor. To dream of the devil as being a large, imposingly dressed person, wearing many sparkling jewels on his body and hands, trying to persuade you to enter his abode, warns you that unscrupulous persons are seeking your ruin by the most ingenious flattery. Young and innocent women, should seek the stronghold of friends after this dream, and avoid strange attentions, especially from married men. Women of low character, are likely to be robbed of jewels and money by seeming strangers. Beware of associating with the devil, even in dreams. He is always the forerunner of despair. If you dream of being pursued by his majesty, you will fall into snares set for you by enemies in the guise of friends. To a lover, this denotes that he will be won away from his allegiance by a wanton.

Nostradamus’s dream book

The devil as a symbol represents evil in all its forms. If you dreamed of the devil surrounded by instruments of punishment, or actually punishing you, then the dream is telling you that the time has come to clear your mind and your conscious of the guilty secret you are holding onto. If you successfully fought him off, then you will short circuit those who mean you ill, and if he spoke to you, you are in for great temptations which you will find hard to resist. If you and the devil were friendly, or congenial, then it is time to have a complete medical workup done.

Dream book of Vanga

A symbol for fear and evil for those who use this symbol.

Ancient French dream book

To dream a devil with horns, claws, a tail, with a pitchfork – a presage of torments and despair. If in a dream you fight against a devil, – means. You are waited by danger. If in a dream you fearlessly and easily stir with it, – you will soon grow rich. If dreams you that you were dragged off by a devil, this dream – an omen of the highest happiness. If in a dream in you the devil was installed, – you are waited by long and happy life and, perhaps, royal favor. If dreams you that you are pursued by a devil, and you in horror run away from it, – that it foretells persecutions from the powers that be or prosecutions. If you dream a great number of devils with whips, – that this sad omen for patients, but to young people – such dream promises love.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

It is really awful dream. he can dream that person who, receding from virtue, forgot about danger and too close admitted to himself a Satan. the dream reminds that time for a way of virtue came to think again, return and to prevent powers of darkness to ruin finally you.

Azar’s dream book

Devil – you will undergo a temptation, terrible danger

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

This sign can symbolize internal fight between that part of your soul which you christened "good", and that part which you branded as "bad". It is important to understand that it is not necessary to reject that you condemn in yourself as to what you oppose, becomes only more persistent. Look at those parts of the soul which you designated "internal demons" or "bad" as on ability to integrate.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Internal fight between that part of your soul which you christened "good", and that which you branded as "bad".

Loff’s dream book

Devil – an interesting image in dreams. Irrespective of the fact how you perceive it – as the psychological image or ominous display of reality – appearance of this terrible character in a dream is already a significant event. Implication which it introduces in dreams, is treated through a prism of its influence on other participants of your dreams.

Miller’s dream book

The peasant who dreamed a devil is expected by death of a crop, an illness of cattle and other losses.

New family dream book

If you dreamed about a devil in shape of the elegant gentleman, in reality be afraid of the traps placed by hypocritical people. Such dream for young girls is especially serious: it is followed to be more circumspect in the acts. If in a dream the devil blew your mind, in real life you are threatened by a trap.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Devil, Satan, spirit of the evil in a fantastic image - your antipode - the double embodying your negative qualities, your inclination to the evil etc. Silent, thinking - the forthcoming temptations and temptations. To talk to it - about angry to think. To see it presiding over a sabbath - because of the woman (man) to contact wicked men. To kiss it on the back - your pride and ambition conduct you to a shame.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Death in a family (one of values).

Vedic dream book of Shivananda

This dream narrates that that time when you need to be engaged in self-improvement came. Create good affairs and do not give in to the evil.

Azar’s dream book

Astrong enemy.

Esoteric Dream Book

Allergic to smells.


Apeasant who saw the devil in a dream, waits crop damage, disease of cattle and other losses. For athletes, especially those who go beyond the limits of the state, the dream is motivation to the cautious behavior. If the devil appear in your dreams in the guise of well-dressed gentleman who calls you into his home - in reality you should be wary of traps, placed hypocritical people. Particularly serious a dream for young girls who are after him must be circumspect in their actions and rely more on friends. If you dream devil capture your imagination - that in real life you can get into some kind of trap. Communication with the devil in a dream promises you a rash acts. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive credulity to communicate with strangers.

Henry Rommel

Fabulous devil in a dream warns against contact with a man boorish, selfish, dishonest, which will initially hide these qualities and achieving up to you the necessary decisions, actions , it will manifest itself.

Miller’s dream book

Apeasant who saw in a dream the devil awaits death yield, disease of cattle and other losses. For athletes, especially those who go beyond the limits of the state, the dream is the inducement to cautious behavior. If the devil appear in your dreams in the guise of well-dressed gentleman who calls you into his home - in reality you should be wary of traps, placed hypocritical people. Particularly serious a dream for young girls who are after him should be circumspect in their actions and rely more on friends. If you dream devil capture your imagination - that in real life you can get into some kind of trap. Communication with the devil in a dream promises you a rash acts. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive credulity to communicate with strangers.

Hasse’s dream book

To see — get temptation; talk to him - fake people deceive you.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot


Tsvetkov’s dream book

Unfamiliarity, temptation, envy, when the devil turns to sleeping, scared the devil or demon torments sleeping - penalties for service; to defeat the devil in a dream - to glory for the sick - to death, but to see with himself and the devil - the acquisition, see. the devil.