The interpretation of the dream «Once again, the recording of dreams»

Dream book of lovers

How best to remember dreams? Having learned to fix the dream in mind, you can use the experience gained during sleep, in their daily lives. Need to remember every dream, even if it seems of little interest, because in most boring dreams may hold the answer to the tantalizing question.

When we wake up, the memories are usually muddled and incomprehensible. Many of the characters are forgotten and lost of memory of the event, as has been said, are of great importance - without sleep is incomplete and may even distort. In other words, losing some of the images had a dream to you, you run the risk of incorrectly interpreting the dream.

So, again we come to the question of the importance of recording dreams. Capture dreams on paper, it is also necessary in order to track which images have a tendency to repeat. Perhaps you will notice that for several nights you dream the same events or characters. This may indicate that your subconscious is trying to aggressively bring to you certain information. Through practice you will be able to achieve the most complete exposition of his dreams, and after only a few months notice that your records are more complete, emotionally rich and saturated. This will help you to better understand yourself, to understand their feelings and problems of concern to you. If you are in love and you are tormented by the question, whether it is a one, dreams are also able to help. Do not be surprised: we subconsciously feel as relevant to us or that person, but by a sort of logical thinking this can not. People with a developed intuition easier, they get a warning subconscious, helping them avoid mistakes. Those who do not have too pronounced a "sixth sense" can not immediately understand whether they love or that person. Daily experiences are transformed into dreams, which are mixed with more and subconscious feelings. Therefore, a correct analysis of dreams will help you to understand the feelings of others, including the person you are interested.

So, if you feel like being able to describe a dream in your dream you can start keeping a diary of dreams. To learn how to do it better, and we will cover in this chapter.

The most important thing - is to set yourself on remembering dreams before you go to bed. You can even invent your own bedtime ritual by which sleep is best remembered for. For example, before going to bed can count to ten (or any other number), mentally inspiring yourself that you will remember everything that you dream about.

Works best memory on the dream after waking up. If you do not get up on the alarm clock, the awakening occurs after the end of REM sleep, when you dream. Morning sleep the longest, its duration is approximately 30-40 minutes. This dream we remember upon awakening.

It is more difficult to those who are forced to resort to using the alarm. If sleep is not interrupted by your will, it is very possible that your sleep is interrupted and you can not remember it. It is likely that the individual pieces to recall still be possible, but the integrity of sleep is disrupted and many of the images are lost. In addition, there is likely to lose the memory of a dream because of thoughts about the problems and the upcoming events that occur immediately after waking up. Therefore, the first task is to learn to wake himself, without outside interference, and awake, to adjust itself to the memory of a dream, and not to think about what to do today. It may seem impossible to you, but first try to work out at the weekends, during holidays or vacations. In this case, you will not ever be afraid of sleep and work out the most convenient way for you to wake. Waking up at a certain time, you will be able to inspect the dream to end, and he, therefore, will be finished in a natural way.

Awake, do not rush to get up right away. Lie down without moving, wait until able to recall all the events of your dreams. Do not think about daily chores, work, study. Concentrate on remembering his dream.

It is important to create an optimal environment in your room - the room where you sleep, should always be well ventilated, temperature should be kept comfortable. If you are too hot or too cold, it may prevent a good fall asleep, and it is likely that in a hostile environment you will have nightmares. It is also necessary to limit the flow of the room sound stimuli - noise, voices from the street, rattling cars and t. You nothing should distract from dreams.

Corresponding atmosphere helps to remember the dreams that you dreamed of, because if the room is quiet, no distractions, then you are totally focused on their own feelings and emotions experienced during sleep.

Remembering the dream as you can in a direct manner (if you remember it well and can reproduce clear and complete), and to the contrary, when you clearly remember the ending of sleep and it's easier to play the dream "backwards". If you remember best episode in the middle of a dream, then describe it in the beginning, then go back to the beginning of sleep, and then, remembering the bright piece, move it to the end of.

If you wake up, just remember to have seen a dream, and remember him as he tried, does not work, soak a few minutes without traffic. If you still can not play in the memory of his dream, Take a break from the memories and thoughts to switch to something else. Think about their relatives, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, remember any details regarding their. Play back the memory of the past in meetings, conversations, conversations. Quite possibly, you find that a particular event associated with these people, you know the. Perhaps this is an event you have seen in your dream. Focus on memory, match it with your dream. Perhaps this will help you to recover the details of his dreams. Tying images to one another, you will be able to build in the memory of all the events happening in your sleep.

Once again we recall opening my eyes, in any case, do not jump right out of bed. Quickly changing the position in which you sleep, you risk to break all the memories of a dream. Lying, you can better remember the dream. And if you play in the memory of the details does not work, just change the position in which slept. For example, turn over on its side or stomach and then try to remember what you dreamed. It is quite possible that in another situation you can play in the memory of his dream. Some dreams are remembered only if the person will lie as lying when they dreamed of him.

Sometimes the memory of the dream comes at the most unexpected moment. For example, during the day, working on the computer, you suddenly find yourself on the fact that you remembered a passage from a dream that you have seen at night. In this case, do not drive memory. If the hand is a pen and paper, as soon as possible write down your dream. Do not expect that will be able to remember the dream later, these memories in my head for a long time do not linger and melt like the morning mist in the sun. If something and then you will be able to remember it is distorted and blurry and not as clear as in the "wrong" time, when you are unable to fix the dream on paper.

However, the best time to write is the first minutes after waking, when you restored in the event of sleep and head ready to burn dreamed. A man remembers his dream only at the moment of awakening, then smoothed and remembrance all seen forgotten. If a person had a nightmare, the recording may not be necessary - bad dreams, which have such a strong influence on the psyche remembered much better than the usual, and before the man there is a problem rather forget nightmarish dream, rather than store it.

An important condition for successful work with dreams of systematic training. Make notes in the diary of dreams every day - and you'll be able to work out in their ability to fully and accurately describe dreamed dreams. Remembering sleep best with your eyes closed, so the dream picture flash past in your mind's eye and you will be able to remember what had previously gone.

In what order should write down a dream? If an unusual dream, the first recorded all the non-standard, and then to the circumstances under which the event occurred. For example, if you dream that you're looking at a picture or reading a book, first write the content of the book or the subject of the picture, and then you saw a picture of where they found the book and t.

Always mark, if the story is repeated sleep. Worth reflecting on this, because dreams are dreams several times by chance, they are usually about something or warn signal. It is useful to their dreams, as well as the most striking and unusual subjects to give accurate and complete description of the title, then you can then record the most important and significant moments of his dreams, avoiding unnecessary and unwanted parts.

Analyzing the dream, it is important to seek contact with the actual events that have occurred or would have occurred. In this case, you will be able to better understand their own feelings and emotions. As a general rule, remember the dreams worse people do not tend to show openly their emotions and feelings that are closed and unsociable. They are more difficult to reproduce the dream because they shield themselves from the experiences. Those who remember the good dreams are more open and are prone to introspection. In real life, they are characterized by a vivid imagination, imagination and the ability to remember, so they see the colorful and bright colored dreams. Lovers are also good at remembering dreams, as have strong feelings and experiences brighter than the rest of the people.

As for gender, women have a better ability to remember dreams than men. Perhaps it is because of the fair half of mankind is much more emotional than the strong half. For women, the main thing - feelings, while men often focus on a successful career, material wealth, the ambitious goals. Therefore, women are interested in the interpretation of dreams more than men, who believe all sorts of nonsense and downers fruitless. In addition, waking up, the men quickly move to real life, while women tend to have some time to wander in the maze of his experiences in dreams. Much depends on the person's lifestyle. If every day you have to jump up very early in the morning and frantically gather to not be late for work, time for remembrance of sleep remains. But even with a regime of the day you can find a way to analyze dreams, you just tell the time, waking up that best allows you to play in the memory of what he saw at night. If dreams occupy an important place in your life, you will not refer to a lack of time for their records. As they say, who wants to, he thinks about how and who does not want to - tries to discover the reasons. In favor of remembering dreams says that as a result of not only improves memory, increases creativity of man, but, oddly enough, is improved and the overall state of health. Dreams have a strong connection to real life, and the man who can control their dreams, to deal with the difficulties arising at the time of sleep, can cope with a real, real problems. On top of that, he develops intuition and analyzing dreams, he can avoid many of the mistakes in real life.