Dream » S » Skeleton

The interpretation of the dream «Skeleton»

Skeleton — the need to stop looking for "skeleton in the closet", including in its. The need to "build up meat" to the idea, the plan.

Miller’s dream book

Dreamed skeleton warns you about the loss, disease, strife, which will come into your life as a result of the impact of a force that is set up in relation to you extremely unfriendly. See yourself skeleton - the dream means that you are upset over nothing, you have to temper their overactive imagination. In the dream, it seemed that the skeleton visit you too often - it means something terrible will happen with what you kept the presence of mind to cope.

Loff’s dream book

The skeleton is a universal symbol of devastation, death and mystery. In dreams it can occur in different subjects, and indicate different things. For recognition of the prisoner in this manner is necessary to investigate the meaning of his surroundings and the feelings that you caused it. The feeling of devastation often occurs when the skeletons are moving - their strange behavior irritates you. Where are you when it detects moving skeletons? The combination of bone with an emotional background of the office, your home or your family home indicates the brink of life, where you feel as if someone or something is sucking all the juice out of you, it is draining. It is interesting that you can not be afraid of these skeletons and perhaps even receive pleasure from their presence, intuitively knowing that you are related to them and do not mind to play the role of benefactor. (Despite the fact that you do not want to end up like them!) The scenes of death are characterized by a complete lack of movement. As a rule, the discovery of bones caused consternation. After the discovery of the bones, you know who they belong to and how to get there? Such findings may give you the opportunity to understand the man (or yourself), which, they say, kill the circumstances. This death may be either emotional or physical. Secrets, or skeletons in the closet - this last scenario. Bones with a value sometimes appear very inappropriate situations, but do not often cause a reaction from the actors dream. People know that close to the bone, but in the dream it is not discussed. Determine who you saw in the story, when the bones were found, it is possible to understand the relationship, and the unresolved issues surrounding the person (s). If you hide anything in real life, the bones may appear in dreams in the field of view of someone who means a lot to your life. If it seems that the character of sleep does not notice the skeletons, it is the job of your subconscious protects you from the storms of life. However, the emergence of such an image in a dream may be a warning signal that you either have to be more careful about flaunting their shortcomings, or completely eliminate them from your life.

Hasse’s dream book

To see — a disease; buy - get an inheritance.

Esoteric Dream Book

Training, a fake - a false fear. All that you fear will pass you side. This - for adventure, joyful events. C. in the grave, in a coffin - good luck, happy period of time.

Ancient French dream book

If you dream of a skeleton - it means that your days will be happy and successful business.

Modern dream book

Skeleton dreams to ensure that your reputation will by no means perfect; may emerge facts that seriously its podmochat.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

D. Bones.

Training, dummy - to false fears. All that you fear, you will bypass the party. This - the adventure, joyful events. in a grave in a coffin - good luck, happy period of time.

If you dream of a skeleton - it means that your days will be happy and successful business.

See — the disease to buy - get an inheritance.

Skeleton is a universal symbol of the devastation, death and mystery. In dreams, it may occur in different subjects, and to testify about various things. For recognition of a prisoner in this way make sense to explore his surroundings and the feelings that he has caused you. Often there is a sense of desolation when moving skeletons - their strange behavior annoys you. Where are you when it detects motion skeletons? The combination of bone with an emotional backdrop office, your home or your family home shows on the brink of life where you feel as if someone or something "sucks all the juice out of you, drains". It is interesting that you can not be afraid of these skeletons and maybe even get the pleasure of their presence, intuitively knowing that you are related to them and do not mind playing the role of benefactor. (Despite the fact that you do not want to end up the way they! ) Scenes of death are characterized by a complete lack of movement. As a rule, the discovery of the bones caused consternation. Following the discovery of bones you know to whom they belong and how to hit? These findings may give you the opportunity to understand the person (or yourself), which, they say, killed the circumstances. This death may be either emotional or physical. Secrets, or "skeletons in the closet" - this is the last scenario. The bones of a value appear sometimes in very inappropriate situations, but do not often cause a backlash among the actors of sleep. People know that close to the bone, but in the dream it does not discuss. Defining who you have seen in the plot when they found the bones, you can understand the relationships and unresolved issues surrounding the individual (s). If you hide anything in real life, the bones of the skeleton can appear in dreams in the field of view of someone who means a lot to your life. If it appears that the character of sleep does not notice the "skeletons" it is the job of your subconscious mind, protecting you from life's storms. However, the emergence of such an image in a dream can be a warning signal that you either have to be more careful when exposing the shortcomings of his or completely eliminate them from your life.

If you dream of a skeleton - so you expect the disease, strife and loss, which will bring you to a hostile force. If you dreamed myself as a skeleton - so you tend to get upset over nothing, and consequently, the need to curb your imagination. If you dream you think that the skeleton is often in front of you - so you have to expect something truly awful, with which, however, it behooves you to handle, keeping a stiff upper lip.

See — disease, strife and loss, which will bring you to a hostile force;

Be the skeleton - you tend to get upset over nothing, and consequently, the need to curb your imagination;

Do you think that the skeleton is often in front of you - you have to expect something truly awful, with which, however, it behooves you to handle, keeping a stiff upper lip.

To dream skeleton - an unfavorable sign. It portends illness or incapacity.

A dream in which you see your own skeleton, meaning that in reality you attach too much importance to their fears and doubts, which is why you find it difficult to succeed. You should reconsider your attitude to people and businesses.

Frequently recurring dream in which an skeleton, portends serious trouble.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Something unrecognized. Skeleton in the closet. Not necessarily a sign of death. Can mean devastation. Lack of content.

Dream book of the Maya

ZnachenieEsli had a good sleep in the nice weather, very soon you will get a lot of money. Put the chicken carcass in a few coins and bury in the woods. Once the chicken starts to rot, you will start to receive money. ZnachenieEsli had a bad dream in bad weather, you will flood the neighbors. To prevent this, tie on each pipe woolen thread.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Skeleton — intrusive, unreasonable fear; anything to do with it symbolically indicates your health.

New family dream book

Skeleton dream to disease, strife and loss of. If you see yourself in a dream in the form of a skeleton, curb your imagination. Such a dream means that you tend to get upset over nothing.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

If you dream of a skeleton - it means. Look forward to the disease, strife and loss, which will bring you to a hostile force.

If you dreamed myself as a skeleton - it means. You tend to get upset over nothing, and, therefore, the need to curb your imagination.

If you dream you think that the skeleton is often in front of you - so. Look forward to something truly awful, with which, however, it behooves you to handle, keeping a stiff upper lip.


A skeleton in dreams alerts us to our attitude to the macabre. We are aware that the physical must ?die? or change, but that there is still a framework left. The skull in dreams can sometimes represent major changes such as death and all the adjustments necessary. Psychologically, we sometimes need to be aware of our feelings about death. The obvious image of the skeleton appearing in our dreams forces us to be aware of this. It can also suggest feelings or talents that we have forgotten and that, therefore, seem to have died. To be conscious of our own skull in dreams is to appreciate the intellectual structure that we have given our lives. To perceive a skull where there should be a head suggests that we are not using our intellectual abilities as well we might. When a skull is talking to us, a part of us that we have rejected or denied is beginning to ?come back to life?. To be talking to a skull is recognizing the need to communicate with those who are lost to us in any way; if we believe in life after death, we may feel that spirit is talking through the skull. A skeleton in a dream suggests the ?bare bones? of something, perhaps an idea or concept. A skeleton in a cupboard represents a past action or shame, both in dreams and waking life, we wish to hide. A dancing skeleton is an awareness of the life we have lived or are living. To dig up a skeleton is to resurrect something perhaps a talent we have buried or hidden away. The skull and crossbones in dreams could represent either a somewhat romantic appreciation of a pirate or freedom-lover, or perhaps is a symbol of danger. Since the skull is representation of the head it can also symbolize intellectual ability, or rather lack of it. Also consult the entry for Death and the information on the Head in the Body entry as well as the information on Tramp in Archetypes and Spirits in Spiritual Imagery in the Introduction.


To an illness of bones, muscles, sinews, joints. To obesity.


If you had a skeleton - so. You expect the disease, strife and loss, which will bring hostile to you the power. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about skeleton

To dream skeleton - an unfavorable sign. It portends illness and loss. A dream in which you see your own skeleton means that in reality you are too much importance is attached to your fears and doubts, because that you find it difficult to succeed. You should reconsider its attitude to people and businesses. Frequently recurring dream in which appears the skeleton, portends serious trouble.

Henry Rommel

Incurred before you the skeleton - a sign of fear, loss, illness and dangers.If he often appears in dreams, you must be prepared to overcome some unpleasant event in your life.Embracing in a dream, or a skeleton to be in his arms - experiencing frustration in sex partnership.

Miller’s dream book

If you had a skeleton - means. You expect the disease, strife and loss, which will bring you to a hostile force. If you dreamed of myself as a skeleton - means. You tend to get upset about nothing, and therefore, it is necessary to rein in your imagination. If you dream you think that the skeleton is often in front of you - so. Look forward to something truly awful, with nothing, however, you must handle, keeping his presence of mind.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

See - illness, buy - to inherit.

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