Dream » S » Star

Dream «Star»

Star — the highest patrons.

Star of Bethlehem - hope realized.

Star Over Eden - hopes and dreams.

Nostradamus’s dream book

Star — a symbol of the supreme will, the higher knowledge. Watch a dream for a shooting star - a prophecy of a happy life, the fulfillment of all the most cherished desires, the performance of which you will not even hoped for. If you had a lot of shooting stars, in the future the world will be held hailstorm which completely destroy agricultural crops. A whole year of Earth humanity would starve. To dream red star - a sign that in the future to power in Russia will come a great man who will raise from the ruins of this country and make it the most powerful nation in the world. Scarlet stars in the dream symbolize the Kremlin stars. If you dreamed that you are flying to the stars, in the future, you will become a member of a space mission to another planet. Perhaps this dream predicts the discovery of life on another planet. Watch the stars in a dream in broad daylight - is clear evidence that in the future will come to power worthy of the people who will achieve that among all States once and for all the world. All nations will live in complete harmony. Dreamers the dream predicts familiarity with reputable people. To dream about a lot of little stars - it means that in the future you will receive any news from the US. Perhaps this dream foretells the events that will occur in the United States, will shake the whole world. Many young stars in this dream - a sprocket located on the American flag, symbolizing the fifty states of America.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Bright stars mean that in front of you a lot of happiness, devoted love; dim - a dream for danger; evening - to love in vain; Star medal - for stupidity; dreamed of one, two stars - get happy news.

Esoteric Dream Book

In the sky - for takeoff soul upliftment. Good sleep. Leaning - to grief and light tears. Star as a geometric figure - a symbol of the power of attraction egregors (national and state and territorial associations). You tightened their stereotypes and were in their slavery: a five-pointed - Soviet, the six-pointed - Jewish, seven-pointed - an American, an Indian, an eight - Arabian, Egyptian, four-point - Japanese; many-ends - Chinese, Filipino, with a month - a Muslim, in vignettes, spirals - new religions and sects type "moon", "Baha'is".

Ancient French dream book

See on any person shining stars - good sleep: may be followed by good news, favorable or traveling in general prosperity. See fainter stars on someone - it means that the house of the man will trouble. Shining stars in the house - it is a sign of danger for the head of the family. If you see a comet in the stars, expect good news.

Starfall dreams to the decline of some great house. If the stars were falling in sleep right through the roof of the house, it means that it is home or perish by fire, or be forever left the hosts. Had a man making of any material star - then your business will be moving forward with major successes.

Assyrian Dream Book

If a person dreams of the star is transformed and becomes the cobblestones, in reality it expects completion and failure cases.

The transformation of a celestial object in the dust indicates the person on his near failure, poverty, need.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream you are looking at the stars sparkling clear - it promises you good health and prosperity. If the stars in your dream faded and purple - a sign of future troubles and misfortunes. If you had a flared or a shooting star - a harbinger of gloom and doom. If you dream of a mysterious flashing and fading stars - hence, in the near future, you should expect the mysterious events and changes. If you dream that the star fell right for you - so. Your family is waiting for bereavement. If you dream you see the rotation of stars around the Earth - it is a sign of global catastrophes and severe pores.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Birth. This is an important sign - it symbolizes light, mentoring and inspiration. You yourself are its star, you are yourself shine.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

This is an important sign - it symbolizes light, mentoring and inspiration. If the star is lit in the darkness, it symbolizes the light and spirit living in you. You yourself are its star, you are yourself shine. Your star rises.

Dream book of the Maya

Good znachenieEsli had a dream man in the near future, he sees the woman of his dreams. For this to happen, at midnight pour out of the window glass of his urine. ZnachenieEsli poor woman had a dream, that in the near future it will be an aggravation of chronic diseases. To avoid this, and anoint themselves for a week at night corn oil stomach.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Shooting star — flying and quickly passing joy. Shower of shooting stars - a deep imprint phenomena of the external world into your inner life. See a shooting star - a fantasy game, which has turned into a real success.

Children's Dream Book

Stars on a clear sky - mean the light of hope and kindness. This means that your life will be covered by the few pleasures.

If you look through the stars through the clouds - so, despite all the problems, you will be able to enjoy life.

Lunar Dream Book

Star — a lot of happiness, true love.

Goes out — the death of relatives.

Ribbon Star - an honor.

Bright stars - the joy.

Unclear stars — sadness.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream of a star - marks the success of any enterprise.

Stars dim and dark - mean failure in the enterprise, and bitterness.

See shooting stars - foreshadows the death of friends or relatives.

Kopalinskogo Dream Book

If you dream of a bright, bright star, it - Fortunately; if dull - to trouble; if the incident - luck, good luck.

Solomon’s dream book

Stars - joy; falling - the loss of a friend; dim - the sadness.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

See the stars in the sky - much to the delight.

See the stars falling from the sky - means that people will die as a result of war or become extinct.

A lot of stars to see - the fun.

Shiny stars to see - the fun.

Hasse’s dream book

A lot of happiness, true love; goes out - the death of relatives, Ribbon Star - an honor.


If you dream of a bright, bright star, it is - fortunately, if dull - to trouble; if the incident - luck, good luck.

Henry Rommel

Sparkling, bright stars in the night sky - fortunately, love, success, receiving the promise.One or two Stars - to the good news.Dimly visible through the haze of stars - to failure, sorry.Star - to the illness of the mother, the wife or the woman he loved.Falling, fading star - to the loss of a loved one.Disappearing stars from the sky - to poverty and humiliation. -Star Order - a symbol of some kind of stupidity that are going to make.

Islamic dream interpretation

Bright Star has the same value as the month, and if anyone sees the cluster of bright stars in one place - the case of the great people of the region will be in good condition.

Modern dream book

Glad tidings.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Glad tidings; clear, brilliant - happiness in love; I see a lot - a great happiness; Constellation - happiness in the game; falling - unexpected happiness; dull - in danger; Evening - the longing of the beloved (beloved).

Ukrainian Dream Book

How to remove the stars in the sky, it's a good dream, there will be some interesting news. Star - betrothed. How to remove the stars - is a company, but as a young women - it is her children. If the star dream guy - it's a girl for him favorite. Hot Star - death. Stars all - money.


A star in the sky can represent a goal, dream, or lofty idea (as in "shoot for the stars")

Connectedness across space and time

A source of insight, knowledge, or direction; or a higher power

A magical feeling, positive mood, or a feeling that good things are going to happen, things are good in life, or everything is as it should be

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